Chapter 12

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Wanda and steve went to investigate the big explosion with the help of nat and pietro

Pietro: what the fuck happened

Wanda: where's y/n and bucky

Nat: lets look in the wreckage

Steve: BUCKY, Y/N


Wanda: IS Y/N OK


Nat: thats y/n for you

Pietro: should i call an ambulance

Steve: yes please pietro

Pietro leaves the room to call the ambulance and Wanda uses her powers to life the wreckage to see y/n unconscious and bleeding

Steve: omg y/n


Wanda starts to cry

Wanda: y/n please be alive

Steve and nat pull bucky and y/n out of the wreckage steve went to see if bucky is injured and wanda put down the wreckage and ran to y/n

Steve: buck are you ok

Bucky: yes im fine just got a headache,

Steve: your going to the hospital too just to check you up

Bucky: ok fine, but how's y/n.

Steve: we don't know

With wanda

Wanda: baby dont do this to me

Wanda starts doing cpr until the ambulance gets here

5 minutes later the ambulance arrives

Paramedic: one person can come with us in the ambulance

Nat: wanda

Bucky: i agree, you go

Wanda: i- i cant

Nat: yes you can go be with your girlfriend

Paramedic: whos coming then because we need to go

Steve: wanda, and we will follow behind

Paramedic: lets go then

Steve holds wanda's hand to calm her down

Steve: she will be ok wanda

Wanda: i never got to finish asking you that question

Steve: my answer wouldve been yes, you have got it

Wanda looks at steve and smiles

Wanda: really

Steve: yes ofc, now go so you can ask y/n that question

wanda gets into the ambulance with Steve's help. Steve, bucky, Nat and pietro follow in the car

5 minutes later they reached the hospital and y/n got immediately into surgery with the best surgeon name derek Shepherd and bucky went with a nurse to get him all check up and to make sure he hasnt got a concussion

(Writer: yes that derek Shepherd from greys anatomy)

Wanda paces the floor waiting for news on y/n

Nat: wands your make me dizzy

Wanda: sorry nat I'm just worried

Steve stands up and goes to wanda

Y/n stark: the unwanted daughterWhere stories live. Discover now