Mangos slimy magon

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In the lovely town of New York we have a very young girl name peaches oops I mean mango and one lonely afternoon around 5:30pm miss mango was bored in bed with nothing to do but suddenly she got a dm saying "wanna make some fast cash" but of course she just blocked them and kept goin about her day until she got it again at 6:05pm. She opened his text saying yes as a joke but the thing he offered was too good all she had to do was upload on his onlyfans for an easy 10k. Mango stopped and just looked at the phone not knowing what to do but of course she agrees but the man wanted to link up and it wasn't for sex she agrees but picked a public location so the next day at 11:00am they meetup and had lunch together turns out he wanted her to be on his speed dating show that he uploads on to his onlyfans. Mango being mango she was suspicious about it but he showed her some clips and there was zero sexual activities so she agreed. So the plan was in full effect starting tonight mango went to get her hair done nails done and everything but also made sure to tell everyone where she was goin that day when she showed up to the show everything looked normal cute guys and girls but the only food they had was peaches which was odd but she paid no attention to it. The first date she sat down with was a tall dark skin man with waves he was 6'3 and from queens the conversation started off pretty normal but all of the sudden he started breathing heavily mango being concerned she asked "sir are you okay" next thing you know a slimy white substance started to drip from the soles of his pants mango quickly excused her self to the bathroom. She try to text some one to get her but her phone had no signal she also tried to leave the building but there was no way out the door she came in from just disappeared into thin air. Mango didn't know what to do she ran back into the bathroom but seen a girl doin coke plus their was roaches all up in the sink so she quickly turned the other way and went to go find the man who took her here in the first place but he was no where to be found and it was her turn to go up with the next speed date person she had to put her emotions to the side and she slowly walked up to the next dude everything seem normal about him the conversation started off pretty normal but mango needed answers asap she asked "hey how did u get in the building" he said he came through the same door she did but for some reason it's no longer there. they both looked at each other with confusion so he left to go get answers but mango had another speed date she had to go on. This man was short and very big and had a very strong smell to him mango stood and looked down at him since he was so short. Not knowing what to say to the lil guy she just stared at him and all he did was look back up at her breathing heavily he started off the conversation by asking what size shoe she wear she told him the size and he turned red and replied with thats hot you should peg me and went in for a kiss mango slapped him and started yelling everyone looked at her some was evening laughing lucky A lovely lady came up to mango asking what seems to be the problem. mango said this is not what she agreed on this was simply supposed to be a normal speed date show... the girl looked lost and laughed at mango saying "a speed dating show right" mango started to get concerned and said yes is it not ? Turns out the dude lied this ain't no normal speed dating show it's an huge orgy mango quickly ran away from the girl down an hall there was many doors she quickly started checking them but most was locked.One door she got opened she seen furries they all had on a black leather mask and was having sex with each other with an dog watching them they all slowly started to look at mango. One said "good is that supposed to be the black horse furry" she quickly slammed the door and tried the next rooms. This new room shes in is full of tvs and on one of them you can even see the outside of her house she started to look around the room and found tapes that was called mangos place she played them turns out the dude been watching her for months their vids of her with friends & vids of her cooking and even when she was showering. One tape was called mango slimy mangos she played it and it was vids of her having sex with her ex and her playing with her cat. She quickly took the tapes out and put them all in a trash bag that she got out of a trash can inside the corner of the room. She brought the bag with her hoping that not to many people seen these videos of her... Mango was very lost for words with all the stuff she seen of her and her family on the vibes but she had no time she was determined to escape this hell hole lucky she ran into the light skin dude from earlier and thank god she did he found out that there is a vent that leads to outside that was their escape. Mango and the light skin dude quickly started to look for the vents he was talking about but the lights in the building started to flash and in the distance some one said "there she is" mango and the man quickly ran back into the tv room and locked the door he started to look around and ask what is all of this mango explains that she thinks its recordings of everyone but he ain't believe her until he froze up and noticed that one of the tapes was called jadens house mango asked what's wrong and he said "nothing we need to get out of here asap" so they slowly opened the door and it looked clear in the hall so they quickly and very quietly ran to find one of the vents that Jaden had mentioned but it was screwed into the wall way to tight for them to open it. they started to look for more but the furies from earlier came out of no where and got a hold of mango and started to lick her and bite her very softly on her neck Jaden punched the furry and pushed them off mango and they started to run again but one was really close behind them suddenly mango started to get choked by the furry but she bite his arm really hard forcing the furry to let go jaden came out of no where with a pice of glass he found on the floor and cut the furry neck.
They had no time to think about what just happened they needed to quickly get out of this building lucky they found an vent but it was high up they needed to find out how to get up there they started to look for things in this random area of the building and they found a dumpster so mango and Jaden both pulled and push the dumpster over and got into the vent. While In the vent you can hear people say "where is the mango girl with her plump mangos" so they keep on moving forward looking for a way out. Jaden ask mango if she was okay and she said "couldn't have been better" in a very sassy tone. Jaden replied with "I can't even believe a cute girl like u ended up here" mango said me either and asked Jaden how did he get here turns out he was also offered money as well just like mango suddenly out of no where a breeze of hot air started to blow they needed to move quickly while in the vents they ended up over a room and u can see the man who brought them both into this place he was talking to some one but they couldn't see who the man was speaking to all they heard from the mystery person was " find them heheh" they had no time to fight the dude or anything so they kept on moving. Out of no where the vent got cut up into two ways they decided to split up if some one was to fine the way out they would turn around and find the other person mango went right and Jaden went left. mango started to make her way through the vent thinking about her life and looking into the rooms one u can see a man was being held down and getting played with by a rose toy but mango had to stay focused so she kept on moving. Suddenly the vent started to make sounds mango ain't know what to do and next thing you know she fell on the ground and hit her head she wasn't sure where she was at in this big building but she started to look around for a way out  she went into this room but it was just full of peaches mango started to hear the weird hehe laugh from earlier so she went behind this garage can and out the corner of her eye she seen lovely peaches. Miss peaches came into the room peaches was hitting the man who brought mango here she was very upset that he lost her peaches said " since u lost mango you know what I have to do" the man said yes and got on his knees next thing you know peaches took a fat shit into his mouth then she left the room the man followed behind her.. mango waited for some time before leaving the room but she didn't think peaches would be out waiting for her. Peaches throw all her body weight on mango breaking one of her fingers mango fell to the floor and kicked peaches in her kitty cat peaches fell back and pulled out a ball of shit from her ass and throw it at mango but lucky she missed mango hit peaches with an really hard upper cut peaches fell to the floor and started laughing and peeing mango ran off and started to look for a new area or a new way out. But out of no where mango heard a car come into the garage that wasn't far from her. the man who was in the truck looked like he was here to get trash and it clicked too mango that this is going to be her way out. The man walked away from the truck and went down the hall. mango went to go look at the door and to see if it was open but it was locked and there was no garbage in the back of the truck. she started to look for a dumpster to hide in but most was to small for any one to fit in side. The sound of boots started to come down the hall mango went to hide on the other side of the truck and she heard peaches again peaches came up to the man and told he to be careful with what trash he throw away she likes to eat some of it and there may be a body hehe she walked away and the man sounded concerned but he started getting the trash cans and emptying them inside the back truck. mango seen him head toward the inside of the room and seen him pull out two big things of trash and put them inside the back of the truck he went back again to get more trash and mango noticed this is her only chance to get inside the truck with the trash so next thing you know she jumped up there and made it in with the trash quietly. Heavy trash started to fall on her all she could do was hope she wouldn't die  she heard the sound of the truck door open and the sound of the car starting. mango noticed they started to move and she was excited to leave that place this experience she had was very crazy she hopes she can just forget about it but she was also concerned about where is Jaden and did he make it out then mango looked to the left of her and seen.....

                                    Ps sorry if this was hard to read the next one will be better text my tik tok for things I should add @Iamnickiminaj

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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