2. Unknown To The Reality

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Abhimanyu freshened and came out of the washroom. It was almost 9 o clock in the night. He saw Akshara entering the room with a tray full of food.

"Hey why have you brought your food to the room? And two plates? Abhir's too?" Abhimanyu enquired.
"Umm actually everyone else has had their food so I thought I should bring our food to room." She replied.
"I understand it would be uncomfortable for you to sit with our family all of a sudden but you can let Abhir sit with them. Im sure he'll love the family vibe and trust me, they'll treat him right." Abhimanyu tried to explain.
"And what makes you think I'm not aware of that? I had sent Abhir down during dinner time and he's still playing with Nishta and Manjiri ma in the hall. By "our" I mean you and I. I thought it'll be better if we stay in the room until things calm down. Though you can definitely go down if you feel like, I'm not forcing you in any way."
"No that's okay. I get your point. Also where's Ruhi? I just know Abhir will bond well with Ruhi too! Afterall they're friends now."
"I couldn't see Ruhi in the hall though. I mean, I didn't go downstairs but both Arohi and Ruhi couldn't be seen anywhere with the family in hall."

It suddenly struck Abhimayu that he had forgotten about both of them. He forgot to discuss Akshara's entry in Birla mansion, he forgot to discuss about Ruhi's future.
"What a stupid man I am! I actually cannot manage anything. This is a blunder. I should've called off my marriage first-"

Akshara could sense him growing anxious as if it was almost an attack loading. Scared, she held his arm assuring that everything will be alright.
"Don't worry Abhimanyu, it's okay! You were going through a lot and I'm sure Ruhi will understand it. She has also grown up to be a mature girl and when she will know about what happened with Abhir's father she will sympathize with us and not misunderstand."

Abhimanyu felt a pinch in his heart when he heard her addressing someone else as the father of his child. But maybe he deserved it all.

He then looked at Akshara holding his arm and that's when Akshara realised what has she done, thus leaving his hand.
"I'm sorry." she said quickly.
"I'm sorry too. You are not here to look after me or calm my attacks, you're here for our son. I'll try to not burden you with the problems of me and my family anymore." Abhimanyu's tone was assuring. Akshara wished she could tell him that it's okay. She was a human and she could feel his pain too. He didn't need to hide that. But maybe, she didn't have those rights anymore...to talk and discuss things with Abhimanyu.
"It's okay." Her reply was short and crisp.

Abhimanyu was about to leave the room when something struck him again.
"Are you tired? You wanna sleep?" He asked.
"Yes a little bit..."
"Oh okay. Just tell me if you wanna sleep here or should I arrange some other room?"
Akshara looked around the room once and all she could get were the horrible flashbacks from that one damned day! Why couldn't she forget it and just move on? Maybe it's gonna take some time and somewhere her heart knew this version of Abhimanyu would make it possible for sure.
"Guest room." She replied.
A part of Abhimanyu broke again for some reason.
"Okay. I'll get in ready and you can shift in 10-15 minutes."

Maybe they both were liking these short conversations with each other. Maybe they both were normalising their relationship. Maybe this co parenting time period would serve the best for them and obviously their little kid.


Abhimanyu had searched the whole house and there was no sign of Arohi or Ruhi there. None of the other family members noticed their absense too because they were too engrossed with Abhir. He got tensed and somewhere knew what descision Arohi would've taken after seeing his behavior today. Finally after 10-15 attempts, Arohi picked Abhimanyu's call.

"Arohi? Where are you? Where's Ruhi?"
"Abhimanyu, I'm about to board my flight. Can I talk to you later?"
"FLIGHT WHAT?" he almost screamed.
"Stop screaming Abhimanyu. You have your own family and responsibilities to fulfill now, so let me fulfill mine too?"
"Ruhi is my responsibility too..."
"Surely she is. I'll share my address with you after a few days and you all can come to meet us. But now since you have decided to move on according to your own will, I have the rights too?"
"But where will you guys live? Her school? Your job?"
"Come on Abhi, I'm a doctor and I know how to live independently. I have got a job in Mumbai already, thanks to a friend I met in our recent medical camp."
"I don't know what to say. I'm sorry and please take care of Ruhi. Did she agree to leave the house easily?"
"She thinks we're off for a vacation right now. But don't worry I'll explain her soon and she'll understand."
"Okay. Take care."
"Bye Abhimanyu." And the call was cut. Abhimanyu realised another chapter of his life has probably got a closure. Now he could focus on his own little family here. For once he was being very selfish, possessive too for his newly found family.
"Mahadev I hope everything is happening for the good." 


It was almost 10 pm now. Abhimanyu did not know how to tell the family about Arohi's descision. Next morning everyone will definitely notice their absence and he will have to answer somehow. Finally he decided to disclose it tomorrow only and think about the matter tonight.

He went back to his room and saw Akshara still sitting beside Abhir and looking at him intently.
"You didn't sleep?"
"I wanted to, but then Abhir slept here. I can't leave him alone."
"Akshara, he's safe in this house!" Abhimanyu said jokingly.
"I know, but I just wanted to stay..."
"Its okay, I understand. But...what now? You want me pick him up and drop to your room?"
"I don't think you have to do that. Ever since Abhir was born, I was more invested in earning for the family and stabilizing our house. Eventually Abhir got more attached to Abhinav so he always cuddled him and slept. Ever since he died, I have tried my best to comfort him every night but here, in our...I mean in your room, he just adjusted to naturally and slept while playing itself."
"You want me to sleep with him?"
"Yes, I'm sure you will-"
"I will love and protect him like Abhinav did. More than that if possible. Don't worry Akshara."
"I know but-"
"Akshara, I know you miss him. I know falling in love for the second time and then losing it again isn't possible. I know your family with him and Abhir was beyond perfect and I myself witnessed it when I lived with you in Kasauli. But maybe, something else is written in our fates. Somehow, we are sent back together, not as a couple but as Abhir's parents. So I promise, every fibre of mine will ensure that you both get the perfect life to live from now onwards."

Akshara just kept staring at him. Everything else was fine...but he thinks she loved Abhinav? She never did, never fell in love after what happened between them. But saying anything like this would make Abhimanyu interpret it differently. And not saying anything would make him think he's right with his assumptions.

"Akshara, its okay. You don't have to give any clarifications. I am not the Abhimanyu you left last time. Trust me, I'm trying to become a better person."
"Thank you Abhimanyu. I know you deserve to know some things but I feel its not the right time. Let us wait for this new relationship to grow and then maybe-"
"Akshara, take your time. No one's forcing you for anything. You don't owe me anything and I don't have any expectations. Just chill." He reassured in the softest tone possible.

Akshara almost melted there. She wanted to just hug him and cry her heart out. At that point, he seemed to be the most beautiful human ever but she couldn't let the guard fall. She couldn't trust people so easily again.

"That means a lot Abhi." she smiled. 
He didn't fail to notice how she shifted from Abhimanyu to Abhi. She was definitely trying to understand him better and it was like a small progression in their relationship. He was glad. He loved his small victories.

"Oh I almost forgot. Did you have food? He asked.
"Yes I did. Yours is kept on that table." She pointed towards it.
"Oh I forgot too, what about your conversation with Ruhi and Arohi? Is everything alright between you guys?"
"Yes I talked to Arohi, they're fine." He didn't really lie.
"Thank god!"

"I just want to stay with Abhir for some more time. You can have your food until then." Akshara said.


Akshara finally got up from the bed and left for her room. Abhimanyu looked at Abhir. How innocent and how precious he was? His little piece of heart. His best boy!
And for the first time he laid beside him and covered them both with a duvet. He kissed his forehead and whispered "Good Night" before sleep took over.

Akshara sat in her room and recalled all the happenings. Right from their divorce day to the promises Abhimanyu made today. A part of her heart just wanted Abhimanyu to fulfill them this time. She just didn't want to lose her family this time.


Author's note: A closure to Arohi and Ruhi was very important for this fic. I actually cannot tolerate Abhinav so I killed him off in the start only and Arohi is currently a little better so she's sent off the second (lol). Anyways the story is of Abhira and their kid so expect me to focus on their relationship from now on only. Birla family might appear a few times for drama and Goenkas imo are useless so do not expect! Have a happy reading time :))


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