Chapter 5 - Runaway

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I'm back! Sorry for the wait. I'm a bit jet lagged so updates still may be slow but here's a little something (,:

Katherine seemed oddly happy about being able to hangout with me. It felt weird, like I was the first person she's ever hung out with outside of school.

(Time Skip - End of the day)

"You ready?" Katherine asked excitedly, putting her hands on my shoulders and jumping up. I smiled, "absolutely."

It only took 20 minutes to get to the mall, which was really cool. We walked inside of the mall, it was pretty big. "Where do you want to go?" I asked, awestruck. This was the first time I've ever in a mall.

Katherine looked at my facial expression and burst out laughing. "It's just the mall, haven't you been here before?" I didn't respond. She glanced at me nervously before grabbing my hand and dragging me off deeper in the mall.

"I have feet!"I yelped, trying not to trip over myself. Katherine giggled and kept on dragging me. We stopped in front of a clothing store - Hot Topic.

"We're heree~!" She said, walking in. The place could be described with one word: emo. It was weird but oddly comforting. Katherine pranced over to a sweater and said "I really want this."

"Then why don't you get it?" I asked, looking at it. It was black with a skeleton design, it was actually really cool.
(here's the sweater):

"Not everyone has loads of money laying around they can spend," Katherine sneered with an annoyed voice

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"Not everyone has loads of money laying around they can spend," Katherine sneered with an annoyed voice. "Sorry," I replied, not making eye contact. She sighed in reply.

We walked around the store for around an hour - it was 5:10. "I'm hungry," Katherine stated, walking out of the store. She didn't even glance back at me. I ran to catch up to her, almost tripping over myself multiple times.

We headed to the food court, walking slowly and pointing out cute boys and girls to each other. It was honestly really fun. We decided to share a thing of cheese pizza.

"I'm going to EXPLODE tonight," Katherine said, giggling. "I shouldn't be eating this much cheese." I started giggling too, her giggle was contagious. The time flew by.

"I should get going," I said, checking the time. It was 8:30, and it would take me around 30 minutes to get home. "Okay!" She responded, pulling me into a hug. It was a bit uncomfortable - hugs weren't normal in my family. I awkwardly hugged her back.

As expected, it took almost exactly 30 minutes to get home. I took a step inside my house. "How was the mall, (name)?" My fathers voice boomed. "It was pleasant, sir. Katherine is a great friend," I responded in a neutral tone. "Very well."

There was a long, awkward pause. I couldn't leave until he excused me, but he was just standing there eyeing me down. "I'm dissatisfied with your rankings for the exam. You could've done much better, (name)."

"I know, sir," I responded hesitantly. "I'll excuse you this one time since you tried your best," he said, signaling to me that I could leave. "Thank you."

I headed up to my room. I hadn't seen Sebastian yet, which was really concerning. He should be home by now. I plopped down on my bed, exhausted.

I was about to fall asleep when I was suddenly woken up to my Father yelling at Sebastian. It was about the exam. Lydia had been right, Father would be disappointed with Sebastian's ranking, which didn't make sense considering I ranked below him.

I exited my room to eavesdrop on them. "But, Sir, (name) ranked below me!" Sebastian argued in protest. I felt my stomach twist into a knot. 'Was Sebastian really trying to defend himself by putting me in danger? Did he really think so lowly of me?'

Everything around me went quiet. All I could hear were my thoughts, and even then they were racing by too fast for me to truly understand them. I walked back into my room and shut the door quietly behind me, laying back down in bed.

I couldn't sleep. All I could do was stare at the ceiling and cry, though I hated crying. I was definitely being over dramatic about this situation. I eventually ended up falling asleep.

I woke up the next morning to my alarm. I got out of bed and got dressed, did my hair and my makeup. I then checked my phone. 3 missed calls from: Victoria. I also got a text from her. "call me when u can"

'That's odd'. She hasn't even talked to me these last couple days. Since no one in my house was awake, I decided to call her back. She picked up almost instantly.

"Y/N, what the hell is your brother doing at my house? Shouldn't he be at home sleeping?"

"What do you mean he's at your house? He came home last night."

"He came to my house last night around midnight crying. He was begging to me to let him in because Ches wouldn't."

I froze. What was Sebastian doing?

"He won't talk to me to tell me what's going on. What happened last night, (name)?"

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