Chapter 4 - Results

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I woke up at 06:00 again the next morning. I was tired and my head hurt from crying. I lifted myself up into a sitting position, the pulsing pain in my arm coming back.

I checked it. The bruises were basically the color of the rainbow; consisting of reds, purples, blues, and greens. I forgot to wrap it up last night.

I stood and walked to my closet, grabbing the first aid kit. I cleaned out the wound and wrapped it tightly. Today we're getting the results from the exam back. Gustav would probably have you go to the conservatory before school to look at the results.

Sure enough, I was sent out to check the results before school. I had to skip breakfast so that I wouldn't be late to school.

The doors to the conservatory were wide open, and inside there was already a group a kids forming around the bulletin board.

On the bulletin board was a single piece of paper. A paper that decided one's life. I pushed my way through the crowd so I could get close enough to read the paper. 

1. Chesnok
2. Sebastian Schvagenbagen
3. Y/N Schvagenbagen

I smiled. '3rd place? That's amazing! And Sebastian got 2nd!' I was proud, both of myself and Sebastian. But who was Chesnok?

As I was turning around, Ches pushed me out of his way. "Watch it!" I snapped, trying to regain my balance. "Sorry!" He responded, reading the results.

I rolled my eyes and began making my way back out of the conservatory. "YES!" I heard Ches yell. "Y/N! I got first!" Ches said loudly, catching up to me. 'How the hell did someone like him get first place??'

"Congrats," I said hastily. Father would not be proud if he found out Toothless got first. "Good job on third! That's really good!" Ches said, smiling. He seemed really happy. "Thank you." "Hey, can I walk to school with you?" "Sure."

The whole walk to school Ches was rambling on about how his guitar worked.

At school, he quickly waved bye to me and skipped off to talk to Sebastian. I exited and walked to the courtyard, finding a large tree to sit under. I pulled out my phone and messaged my father.

"3rd place. Sebastian got 2nd."

I sighed and put on my headphones, turning on favorite song, (song name). I then switched apps to Subway Surfers and played a couple of rounds to waste time.

I heard a lot of commotion coming from the basketball court. Turning my head to see what was going on, I saw Sebastian surrounded by people. I took my headphones off and stood up, walking towards the crowd.

I couldn't understand what was going on. Everyone was talking at once, making it impossible to even pick words out. I frowned. Sebastian looked unbothered, so I left.

"What was that about?" Lydia asked, tapping me on my shoulder. "I'm not sure. We can ask later," I responded, turning back to face her. Lydia glanced behind her, back towards the group. She looked just as confused as I felt.

"How'd you do? In the exam?" Lydia asked, turning her attention back to me. "I got third." "And Sebastian?" "Second."

Lydia nodded, thinking. "Father may accept your ranking, but maybe not Sebastian's. He made it very clear Sebastian was to place first." "Oh."

"Well, I must get going. I don't want to be late," Lydia said, making a hand gesture that signaled for me to run along. I gladly did, saying a quick goodbye to her and walking off to first period.

Most of the day was spent by me daydreaming. It most certainly was not healthy, but I craved it.

Who wouldn't want to live in a perfect world?

It was finally lunch time. The school provided blintzes, pelmeni filled with beef, and a slice of rye bread. I was about to start eating when a girl with long, ginger hair sat down across from you.

"Yo," the girl said with a thick accent, "you new, eh?" I scrunched up my nose, trying to understand. "Oh, yea, I am," I responded after a moment.

"Cool, cool," she said, stuffing a blintz in her mouth. "Say, can I hang with you?" "Uh- sure?" I responded, trying to figure out where her accent was from. It most definitely was not Russian.

I studied her a bit longer; her hair is almost down to her butt, she has blue eyes, a ton of freckles, and was overall pretty pale.

"Are you going to eat your blintzes?" She said, eyeing my blintzes down like a hungry dog. "No, you can have them," I said, pushing the tray closer to her. Her face lit up. She took the blintzes off my plate and pushed it back towards me.

I picked up my fork and began eating the pelmemi, which were awfully dry, but not too bad. Over the course of lunch, I found out that the girls name was Katherine, we had quite a few classes together, and she was actually really fun.

"Hey, do you want to hang out after school?" Katherine asked, shoving the last piece of bread in her mouth. "I'll have to ask my dad," I responded, pulling out my phone. I opened up my messages:

"Father, may I go over to a friends house after school today?"

"Who is this friend of yours?"

"Her names Katherine."

"And what will you and Katherine be doing?"

"We're probably just going to walk to the mall."

"Be back by 9. I'm trusting you to not do anything stupid."

"I won't, thank you!"

"I can hang out." "Yay!"

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