RHODEY: This is known.

Bruce: I don't know why everyone believes that, but that isn't true. Think about it: If you travel to the past, that past becomes your future. And your former present becomes the past. Which can't now be changed by your new future...

NEBULA: Exactly.

Scott: So... Back To The Future's a bunch of bullshit?

Bruce: [Turning to Clint] Alright, Clint. We're going in 3... 2... 1!

A helmet similar to Ant-Man's but white and more visible face pops on y/n's head, and he goes quantum. y/n flies through the quantum realm and into an opening. she grows back to normal size, but she's at a different place, and seemingly, time.

y/n look around his family home, which unlike at the start of the movie, looks a lot more alive. The helmet pops off of y/n's head, and she looks around bewildered. 

Y/n: wait im back. WANDA ! WHERE ARE YOU

past wanda runs to where she heard y/n's voice 

Past Wanda: baby, are you ok 

Y/n: i am now that im with you 

Past Wanda: love, i just went to the toilet 

Y/n: you have no idea how much ive missed you 

Past Wanda: whats happened my love 

Y/n: i dont have much time

Y/N kisses wanda on the lips 

Y/n: i will bring you back my love i promise 

Past Wanda: i have no idea what your talking about 

Y/N: i know darling, i need you to do me a favour 

Past Wanda: anything my love 

Y/n: i need you to leave this room and forget this ever happened 

Past Wanda: ok my love, i will see you again 

Y/n: indeed you will my love 

Past wanda leaves the room and y/n is taken back into the machine back to her time, back to the Avengers Compound, y/n rematerialize on the glass platform, breathing heavily and sitting on the platform

Nat: Hey, hey. Look at me. You okay?

Y/n: Yeah, it worked. It worked, i saw wanda again 

Nat: did she see you 

Y/n: yeah she did but it's ok, i really needed to see her again 

Tony: that was probably a bad idea 

Y/n: no offence tony, but i needed to see her. i missed her i havent been able to see her in 5 years, AT LEAST YOU STILL HAVE PEPPER AND MORGAN 

Steve: calm down y/n

Tony: your right im sorry y/n, i cant imagine how you have been feeling. i am truly sorry, im sorry for everything i have done to you 

Y/n: wow, i wasnt really expecting an apology from you tony

Tony: i shouldve apologised a long time ago 

Steve: not to break up this apology but should we bring everyone back to earth, so we can finally plan a wedding for y/n and wanda 

Nat: gladly 

Y/n: i would love nothing more than to bring my fiancé home 

Scene cuts to the Avengers in a room with some hologram displays, showcasing each of the six Infinity Stones, sitting around a table. Tony, Steve and Bruce are pacing at the front, clearly leading the planning of the mission.

Y/n stark: the unwanted daughterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora