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Well eldest daughter always hate everything in her family because she have to face all the hard time alone only and I am one of them Its not like that I got hate from my family but according to them I Done something that make them hate me its quit normal I am the worst person if u meet me from outside but trust from inside I m heartbroken I found a poem let me share it with you guys

Smile if you again lose Today
Maybe someone needed to win more then you
Smile if you have lost something
Maybe that thing belong to someone else or someone need that thing more then you
Smile if today also you got heartbroken
Maybe to make things alright you have to get heartbroken
And then also if you get sad from heart
Then pass a smile to everyone
And if today you are very happy
Then repeat the same process
If you have things more then you need
Then smile and share them with others
Smile if someone ask you what you have learnt from this cruel life
Smile and say I have only learnt how to face this things alone only
Smile even if you have to walk miles and miles
Smile because if your glass is half empty you can always fill it with smiles

Its really a great poem I lob it Life is cruel but I have to face it trust me everything is ok its the only thing I say to others when nothing is ok I have to force myself I have to worry about my and my family reputation also someone ask me why I smile so much trust me dude If I stop smiling then you are going to see my inner pain its ok when I know that nothing is ok but I have to I am tired but I have to do it Maybe I am not enough but I tried to be enough Maybe I am always worst but I tried my best I got hurt when my own family say I am useless maybe I have never born only I live in my imagination because my real life make me hate it I fell in love with imagination Because real life make me hate it its ok I have to walk a long path I know how people is cruel but I have to be strong Life isn't the same beautiful as it was shown Promise are the sweetest lies they make me light but never came true

~Ther's is a reason why I kept it all inside me because I have only me to listen ~

Thank you maybe I have wasted your lot of time 

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