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Hey I know  I am not able to meet u and say this word so I am saying this now only I meet u guys when my life is full of darkness and dullness I lost my path I didn't want to live anymore and I feel like I lost everything its not like I am doing something wrong but the only thing is that I lost my path of life I forgot that life is race we can never give-up on anything but I started to give-up and nobody is here for me nobody show me the correct path nobody show me my mistakes or How to make it correct they started judge me without knowing my condition I started to die from inside my heart got broken everyday and that time you guys came to my like hope and magic you guys make me belive in myself you guys show me the correct way you guys make me love myself and I make it up with you guys Its like yesterday when I meet you time flies so quickly right?Through you I meet some stranger they are also like me there condition is also same or even worse  whom I call now my army or online friend By looking into you guys I get to know that we all are the main character we can't kneel-down infront of the problem at the end of the day I always remember you guys You proved us that we can follow our passion and if we are correct then we are going to achive succes in our life with flying colours I love all you guys equally but I fell in love with one of you many people are going to say I fell in love with him just for his look and money but trust me its not true the truth is He make me fell for him by saving my life my making me happy and lots right now I am saw many BTS haters say that you all are not men or you all are boys with makeup but according to me you are the person who make my life good not that person who calm themselve as man and have done nothing good but always judge me and make me fell I am useless people only see your success but we army have seen your pain and struggling behind it all of you have different pages and episode but you all are the part of the same book known as BTS I also want to thank Bang-PD-Nim thanks for supporting and have fath on the seven normal boys who have change this entire world and save lots of life Each member have Thaught me different life lesson such as
RM- Always speak for yourself and love yourself Because in the end you have to fight alone only
Jin-If you have confident one day you are going to achieve everything you dream for
Suga-By not saying soo many thing also you can say alot of things through your eyes ,work and songs
J-Hope-Laughing is the best medicine always learn how to deal with your problem and fight with a smile
Jimin- We all are beautiful in different way if anyone insult you then make them regret in future
V-Every and each creature are valuable in this world
JK-If you follow your hobby and passion then one day you will achive success surely
Ok bye and thanks BTS for there with me When I need you 

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