I wish we never meet

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Life it is really difficult isn't it I remember how we meet and change us i know we are friend but i realise i have some feeling toward you we are best friend but we are really different such as I am a night person and you are a day
I love coffee and you Tea
I am extrovert and you was an introvert
I love to show my felling and You always been calm
I make things always wrong and you always make it correct
I love to read and you write
I love to draw and you sing
I love to spend time with family and you with yourself only
I love to spend time at home distrubing you and you love to write
I always got in trouble and you always save
I love to eat and you love to do cooking
I always feel useless and worst and you make me feel worthy and best
I always get confuse and you make me carefree
I cannot do anything by myself if you are not there for me
You always know what I need before me but we stay like best friend only i want to  tell you how much i love you but you never came back you left me alone we both have change i know your mom and you got your and her happiness but i want you we both have change but our feeling are still same i don't know how are you but i wish you are safe I miss you everyday many things has happen and if i ever see you again i will surely share it with you.You know there is a thing that people say history always repeat itself i wish it become true

*The moon may shine brighter but it was not always complete*

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