we'll be in love forever

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Here's a lil pride month present 💅🌌✨️🩷👑😗✌️🤝💵😍🤌
(Also men's mental health month, so here's a man with his mental health fucked up💀)

A cozy Sunday afternoon in Louisiana on a boat was the perfect moment to just sit back and just think about everything.  Well that was the main character moment bucky was having.  This was June 2nd, aka the first pride month bucky actually had someone to spend with.

They fell in love in October (A/N: you just KNOW I had to do that lmao) last year.

If you told bucky 3 years ago that he would be in love with sam wilson, he'd laugh at your face.

Well everything has a first time. Bucky was looking at the waves in the water below him. It was as serene as it could get. The warm breeze the ambient chatter in the in Background, the whole set.

But bucky's mind however was not pleasant in the slightest. Every little flaw, every single face, all the broken promises, all the pain is waiting an inch of sleep away. The nightmares got worse recently for some reason.

He'd hoped that they would finally go away for good after wakanda. They didn't.  He had a slight hope that doctor Raynor could somehow make them go way, we all know how that turned out.

Unlike all the movies his mental illness did not magically dissappear after he found his true love. So many people who seemed like the embodiment of hope and all that is good in the world, Natasha, steve even tony. In the end everyone left. He know he's  spiraling and needs to stop thinking but that too is a privilege for bucky.  Thinking on his own.

Sam however, could read him like an open book. He'd always find bucky even in the farthest corners. That can be taken metaphorically or literally.

Sam came to sit next to bucky sensing something wrong. Bucky could fool anyone with his nonchalant expression and fake smile but not sam somehow. That man can't even lie to sams face.

Neither of them broke the silence for a while. They didn't need to. It was comfortable to say the least. Bucky knew he didn't need to explain or owe an answer to sam but he knew it'd be better to voice his thoughts.

"The nightmares are back. They have been for a while now" bucky said, looking at sam who was staring at him like he was the moon.
All sam said in return was "I noticed"

"how?" Said bucky with an offended smile on his face.
Sam took his hand and said "well first of all, your face. Second of all-"

"What?! Wait- what do you mean 'your face'? What's wrong with my face?" Bucky narrowed his eyes at sam playfully.

Sam shrugged laughing "your face man! That's it, there's no other way to describe what I see"

"Wow you're being really disrespectful right now" bucky stated. Soo both of them were laughing like little children.

After a while sam put bucky's head on his shoulder and said
"look, I can't say the nightmares are gonna go away or it's all gonna magically be better soon even though I hope it does, but all I know is you're strong enough to take it. You're strong enough to deal with whatever shit life throws your way. You had to do it in the past unfortunately but I know for a damn fact you will take it head on and still be up on your feet for the next day. You're strong like that buck." Bucky looked at sam in that instant and felt a million different emotions at the same time.

"And even if you're strong it'll get hard sometimes. I get that. But that's why I'm here alright, hell even Sarah would drop everything she's doing if you said you needed something. You matter bucky. I can name 10 people off the top of my mind who would listen to you rant for hours.  Me, Cass, aj, Sarah, torres, carlos-"

"Okay okay I get it" bucky laughs.

"I love you man, I know I will for a long time from now." Sam takes bucky's hand and kisses the back of his hand.

"I love you too" bucky was dangerously close to tears.

Sam was right, he was truly lucky to have people around who actually care about him. An actual family. That's when bucky understood family is not what you are born in, it's who you'd die for.

They both sat there for a while just being in the moment and soon they'd go join the others for dinner and everything would be normal again. No matter what you do, the world still goes on, and all you have to do is take a step back and sort it out.

And just then for a moment, bucky knew that he and sam wilson would be in love forever. How ever long that forever maybe.



umm chileee anyways soooo,

How yall been? It's been a really long time hasn't it?😃🤚 no worries! I will be more consistent with posting in about a month or so.

(Skip if you want but I wanna rant 👁👄👁)

Idk if yall know sam and colby but I was literally crying before posting this cuz colby finally beat cancer! Fuck cancer man istg- my brother beat cancer's ass at 26! You go king!!!!! I'm literally so proud. I lost my grandmother due to lung cancer and I'm like literally so happy It didn't claim another life. Anyways, I love Sam and colby with all my heart, they're such a slay duo! Go check out their videos.

Also if you wanna donate to "fuck cancer", it's a legit non profit charity mentioned in the video, here's the link 👇

Charity: https://gofund.me/2a0972d3

Sam and Colby's video: https://youtu.be/gn6nAkg9Ltw

Slay babes go take care of yourselves love you 🩷🩷🩷

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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