the late night visit <3

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⚠ warning!!!!! EXTREME FLUFF 😭 I'm serious, this chapter will rot your teeth and give you diabetes!  I got butterflies while writing this and I have lepidopterophobia (fear of butterflies and moths) 😐
A bit ooc but as I always say, if it makes it extra fluffy then be it-
Anywaysssss enjoy- (Also thankyou for all those reads?!😭❤️ yall slay ily)
No beta read sorry 🥲👍

The TV was playing a random show which bucky didn't really pay attention to. He was playing with alpine, his cat who was extremely sassy mind you- when suddenly, he heard a knock on his bedroom window.
It was a rhythmic knock

Dun dun dadun dun.      (-💀 I'm shit at this)

To paint a picture of the current situation, bucky was in the rented apartment in d.c him and sam shared for a while. captain america had some business to do in the next town. He was supposed to stay there. Oh and did I mention they were very happily dating at this point? I think that really matters. Back to the current situation

Bucky rolled his eyes and went to the window opening it just to see sam in the full on cap suit hovering outside. A fond smile fell on buck's face.
"Hi" he said

"Hello" sam said awfully cheerful. Despite having the keys to the front door, he still kept flying over the window.

"It's midnight" bucky said still with a smile plastered on his face.

Sam: "I missed you"

Bucky: "not an excuse"

Sam: "what? You're still awake." He shrugged. "Plus, that's a perfect excuse"


Sam:  Are you gonna let me in? Or are you just gonna let me freeze out here?

Bucky plopped his elbow up on the window sil and rested his chin on his palm squinting his eyes. "I might consider the other option" smiling like the little shit he is.

Sam: "I know how I can make you let me in"

Bucky: "Oh! Really? And how-" before he could finish the sentence sam lent closer and placed a very perfect sweet lil kiss on bucky's lips. Their lips melted together just like they always do. They kissed for a few seconds before bucky put both his hands on sam's face pulling apart.

Bucky pushed sam away with his metal finger on sam's nose. "Yeah it's still a no-" all while holding sam's face close enough.

Right then, alpine mowed from behind bucky. Sam saw the chance and took it.

Sam:"see even alpine wants me in, please buck" and he pulled out the puppy eyes gah dayum.

Bucky: " fine. But just because queen alpine said so" bucky pointed an accusing index finger at sam. Who smiled slyly in return.

As soon as he opened the window fully, sam flew in.

Bucky turned around to walk away as sam wrapped his arms around his waist from the back and rested his chin on the back of bucky's neck.

Bucky smiled and turned around and placed his hands on sam's shoulders "very clingy now aren't you?" Bucky said kissing the top of his head.

"Tell me you didn't miss me too, and I will jump out the window and fly back right now."  Sam mumbled in the crook of bucky's neck.

Bucky did miss him. Turns out staying 3 whole days without the person you're so attached to, is harder than you might think.
But he wouldn't admit that. His ego is waaayyyy to big for that.

Bucky just giggled and said "go change and freshen up." Then he left to go sit on the bed. Sam went to the bathroom not before petting alpine and thanking her for being his wingman causing bucky to roll his eyes.

By the time sam returned wearing a large green hoodie, bucky was on the bed eating oreo icecream straight from the box.

Then they cuddled for the rest of the night fighting over icecream and talking till 3 in the morning. Sam is definitely the big spoon. He would get the rest of his stuff from the town in the morning. He was way too happy and sleepy to think about them now. Life was perfect.

A/N- okay so, to clear somethings up,
1. The window was between two close buildings with a narrow alleyway so there's no way people could've seen frikin captain america being a cute lil fluffball for his boyfriend. And

2. Happy 2023 apparently there's a solar storm warning this year. We're in the year of the apocalypse yall 💅 everything was getting boring anyway

3. This is also one of my late night scenerios and these two are literally the most perfect couple everrrrrrrr😭❤️

Aight that's it- chug some H2O and stay slaying 👁👄👁👍👌

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