Meet IsabelCavesAuthor

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Hello, folks! Come and meet another wonderful AAPI writer, IsabelCavesAuthor (IsabelCavesAuthor), the author of Watty-shortlisted novel, Witch Doctors Inc!

Hello, folks! Come and meet another wonderful AAPI writer, IsabelCavesAuthor (IsabelCavesAuthor), the author of Watty-shortlisted novel, Witch Doctors Inc!

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Welcome to Witch Doctors Inc.

Got a problem? We'll solve it.
Warts? Easy.
Got an enemy after you? We'll find 'em.
Been cursed? Have one of our glittering elixirs.

Just a word of caution: there may be more here than meets the eye. Rumour has it there's a real witch around here, and her destiny has "death" written all over it. She's the last in a line of reincarnations that have all turned to evil. She'll have to battle the darkness inside her, as well as:
(a) interplanetary demons
(b) ancient curses that she may have cast herself
(c) elusive red-eyed creatures who steal hearts

Will she win the battle for her soul? Or will the First Witch's tragic story repeat itself once again?


AUTHOR BIO: I'm a writer and poet living in Auckland, New Zealand. I emigrated from Colombo, Sri Lanka, when I was quite small. I've been writing stories since I was about three years old. It's the magical, the whimsical and the spooky that have always interested me. I mostly write fantasy, but I also dabble in horror and science fiction. I love to create rich new fantasy worlds with their own unique lore. My current project, Witch Doctors Inc (the first book of which was shortlisted for the 2022 Wattys), is primarily YA dark fantasy, but also mashes together elements of different genres to create what I'm hoping will be a unique read.

1. Hi IsabelCavesAuthor! We're delighted to have you here today. Let's start. Can you tell us something surprising about yourself?

I used to be a classical pianist.

2. How do you identify within the Asian American and Pacific Islander community and how has your heritage shaped the person you are today?

I'm of Sri Lankan heritage. I was born in Colombo, and moved to New Zealand when I was very small. My heritage has shaped the person I am in many ways. Colombo is a true melting pot of cultures, so I learned to be open to different ideas and ways of living from an early age. Sri Lankan people place great value on education, and my parents encouraged my curious nature by reading lots of books to me when I was little. This is how I discovered my love for stories.

3. How did you come up with the idea for your story? And what are your inspirations for the world you have created?

The idea for my story, Witch Doctors Inc, came from a variety of places. I daydream a lot, so I eventually came up with three ideas that brewed in my mind for a bit - teenage girls who are the reincarnations of witches burned at the stake, a detective agency that solves magical mysteries, and a mysterious cat who is the protector of his human. With a little more daydreaming, Witch Doctors Inc was born. My inspiration for the Witch Doctors Inc world came from anime such as Sailor Moon and Glitter Force/Smile Precure (lots of glitter and magic!), the feminine but dangerous world of the TV series Pretty Little Liars, and the rich fantasy worlds of Harry Potter and the Tamora Pierce books.

4. If you could be a character in your story, who would it be and why?

Oh geez, this one is hard because I've put my characters through so much drama! I'm going to say Maya Cerberus. She lives a life of unique experiences, gets to follow her passion, and has a lot of cool magical toys.

5. Does your family have any traditions that are important to you? Feel free to share your at least one experience here!

We celebrate Diwali/Deepavali every year. Also called the Festival of Lights, it's a time for the family to get together and bond over traditional food, music and dance. Before the Covid pandemic, the city I live in would host a public Diwali festival. There was everything from samosas to fashion shows. We'd celebrate with family, then celebrate with the whole city :)

6. If you could introduce something from your culture to someone else, what would it be and why? It can be a tradition/custom, food, music, or anything else that comes to mind!

I would introduce watalappam. It's a Sri Lankan coconut custard pudding made with jaggery, eggs and spices. It's absolutely delicious and one of my favourite desserts. I'd love for more people to enjoy it.

7. What are your favorite books? Both on and outside Wattpad?

I've been doing most of my reading on Wattpad lately, and a couple of my favourites are Rhodoreef by SuVida777 and Garden of Light by Ostromn. My childhood favourites were Narnia, Animorphs ,Goosebumps and Harry Potter.


Thank you very much for joining with us today, IsabelCavesAuthor. And all of you reading, we hope you found that inspirational! Give her stories some love!

See you again soon!

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