Meet Ankita Pal

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Hello, folks! Say hello to our fifth awesome AAPI writer, Ankita Pal (Baqkns), the author of the fantasy novel, Throne of Dragonix!

Hello, folks! Say hello to our fifth awesome AAPI writer, Ankita Pal (Baqkns), the author of the fantasy novel, Throne of Dragonix!

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"Rebellion and Unification are the two opposite sides of the same coin-fear and confusion. "

It was the darkest day in Dragonix's history; the self-sacrifice of the Emperor to stop the rebellion. Amidst the turbulent peace, came the selection of the next Emperor. Nine warriors from nine clans faced each other in a competition. And for the first time joined a new face, nicknamed the Great Aide's Ace.

Dragonix faced the risk of yet another rising rebellion. Behind the pretence of peace, the two Frontiers pitted their claws on one another. But amongst the chaos, a third party

rose. Dragneel Bloom, a wandering warrior with unknown origins, was summoned by the Great Aide to adhere to the origins of the third party and begin a universal agitation. Iian, a young but accomplished lady, who only intended to save her friend, ended up tagging along to unite the universe again.

Blade and pen blended against a formidable evil. But before that, would Bloom be able to reach the Great Aide safely?


AUTHOR BIO: Ankita Pal was born in 2006 in Ambala, Haryana. Roots in Bengal, her father's military background has led her to an experience of traveling and settling down in different parts of India. She is an avid reader, practices music, painting and loves manipulating simple concepts to high world building. Politics interests her and imagination fuels her. And, the science student within asks for logic.

1. Hi Ankita! We're delighted to have you here today. Let's start. Can you tell us something surprising about yourself?

I'm skilled enough to illustrate Dragonix's world but I'm seemingly bad at drawing characters.

2. How do you identify within the Asian American and Pacific Islander community and how has your heritage shaped the person you are today?

Well, India's a diverse country. It's colours, cultures and people are imprinted on me and that's what I try to show in Throne of Dragonix.

3. How did you come up with the idea for your story? And what are your inspirations for the world you have created?

It's simple—Anime, mangas, manhwas, my favourite fantasy books (I love Narnia Chronicles) and Ronald Dahl's collections.

4. If you could be a character in your story, who would it be and why?

I would like to be Throne of the throne. Here, Throne is a name. It's a spirit and the only character who can rope in Bloom, (one of the protagonists) and handle her to an extent.

5. Does your family have any traditions that are important to you? Feel free to share your at least one experience here!

My joint family celebrates Laxmi Puja every year. This occasion is important as the whole extended family joins and we celebrate it ith our neighbours too.

6. If you could introduce something from your culture to someone else, what would it be and why? It can be a tradition/custom, food, music, or anything else that comes to mind!

There are many but I would like to introduce the Bengali delicaciesw here sweets have a different place. Who can resist Pantua, Rasgulla, Pitha, Misti Doi and Narkel Naru?

7. What are your favorite books? Both on and outside Wattpad?

On Wattpad I love The Green Guardian by CroodsGirl, Aragons by earlfangs, King Eden by RowanCarver and many more to explore!Outside Wattpad—Ronald Dahl's collections, Narnia Chronicles, Enid Blyton's story collections!


Thank you very much for joining with us today, Ankita. And all of you reading, we hope you found that inspirational! Give her stories some love!

See you again soon!

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