With every step he takes towards you, you take a step back until your back is pushing against the wall.

"It's not about saving me from myself, ___. It's about loving me, through the good and the bad. That's what you do for me and I've done a lot of stupid shit in my life but I can't just stand back and not fight for you this time. I won't." He closes his eyes, recalling all the nights he'd spent thinking about you, wishing he was with you instead of someone else.

"I know Jin is good for you but I, I can be good for you, too. And I can do so much more. I can be so much more, ___. I promise you that."

"Jungkook," you try to cut him off.

"I mean, I know it'll take time before I get to take you to those fancy places or get you nice dresses."


"But I can do other things. I'm sure I cook better and I'll buy a secondhand car and take you to places and I'll be good to you, ____. I'll be so good to you, just please --"

"Jungkook!" You slap his chest to shut him up.


"Jin broke up with me."

"What? Why?" Jungkook is suddenly irate. He should be happy but he starts to feel anger bubbling at the thought that Jin was the one who broke things off.

"Why?" You sigh, the feeling all too familiar. "It's the same reason why Sejun and Minho broke up with me... Jin isn't you."

Jungkook is in shock, doe-eyes staring at you, his breath catching in his throat at the thought that your ex-boyfriends had been the ones to end it. You always brushed him off when he asked, saying things just didn't work out.

"None of them was you. And they all knew that. Especially Jin. He knew that no matter how good he is to me and for me, he knows he's not you," you explain, your head hanging low at the memory of that night when you'd canceled movie night with Jungkook because Jin wanted to talk. He realized that even if you both tried, he was always going to be second to your best friend, something he couldn't really blame you for.

"He lost a long time ago. They all did. I'd still drop everything for you, Jungkook," you confess, looking up at him now. "That's never gonna change. They can't compete with you, whether it's the ghost of you or the real you. I'll always choose you. And Jin made me realize that. It's always gonna be you, Jungkook, even if I don't want it to. It's always gonna be --"

Your speech is cut short at the feel of Jungkook's soft lips on your own, stealing the breath out of you. It's not chaste but not hard either. He holds it steady, barely moving; just enough to get a feel of you, see if you'll push him away, and maybe to shut you up, too.

He pulls away, his imploring eyes needing confirmation that he didn't misinterpret what you just said. You look at him as he swallows hard, almost out of breath, like he's suddenly unsure.

Your hands find themselves behind his neck and you pull him towards you, kissing him this time, sucking in a breath as you do. He falls into rhythm with you immediately, his hands gripping your waist and pulling you closer, wanting to feel more of you other than just your lips.

With his touch, you feel like your body is on fire and you gush at the tingling sensation you feel all over. You never thought this would happen yet it feels so right, so natural. And you can't help yourself.

You open your mouth, encouraging him to taste you more, which he does, as his tongue searches yours, wet muscles entangling and savoring each other. Your messy kisses start to be in tune with your hips grinding against each other, Jungkook pulling you even more forward, making you feel the growing bulge beneath his tight jeans.

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