Chapter 17: SCP-058 "Heart of Darkness"

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Here we see you and Kendyl working on a corpse of a dead cow with medical tools.

(Y/N): "Can't believe that they work on this dead cow for an experiment."

Kendyl: "Yeah."*feels a heartbeat*"Uh did you feel that?"

(Y/N): "Yeah."

We then see the heart of a bovine burst out of the cow and fall to the floor as you and Kendyl moved out of the way. You and Kendyl then take a look at the heart as it then speaks in the tone of a british old man.

???(SCP-058): "Many have revelations of salvation but none have the vengeance that reeks envy."

(Y/N): "Uh is that heart talking to us?"

You and Kendyl then see the heart form 4 anthropoid legs and 4 tentacles and a razor sharp stinger on its rear and it turns around and faces you and Kendyl.

You and Kendyl then see the heart form 4 anthropoid legs and 4 tentacles and a razor sharp stinger on its rear and it turns around and faces you and Kendyl

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Kendyl: "We should run."

(Y/N): "Yeah."

You and Kendyl then make a run for it as we see the heart chase after you two. You then move out of the way of a wall and burst out of the facility and see it head to town.

(Y/N): *holds up a walkie talkie*"Uh guys, we have a situation."

Sometime later, we see the monster cow heart that is now dubbed SCP-058 and we see you, Kendyl, Corey, and Ruby covered in injuries and bandages and you are all exhausted.

(Y/N): "Man, for something that small it's really tough, it took a collapsing building just to knock it out."

Corey: "I need a vacation."

(Y/N): *loses feeling to legs*"Uh oh, I lost feeling in my legs...going down."

You then collapse onto the floor as we see Kendyl and Ruby help you up.

(Y/N): "Thanks, that took a lot out of me. Maybe I should work from home until I get my full strength back."

Dr. Buck: "I'll be at your house tending to your care until your full recovery along with Dr. Collingwood, Kendyl, and Ruby."

(Y/N): "You don't have to."

Kendyl: "Listen bro, you're one of the Foundation's best operatives and the O5 need you back in top shape."

???: "Sounds like you're getting paid vacations."

You and the others then see a researcher named Dr. Patience and he has researcher Dr. Iceberg and Dr. King.

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Dr. Iceberg: "Indeed, however someone knew this would happen and assigned you and Kendyl to perform medical trials on that cow."

(Y/N): "Uh who are you?"

Dr. Patience: "Dr. Patience and this is Dr. Iceberg and Dr. King."

Dr. King: "It's a pleasure to meet you (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Thank you sir."

Dr. Iceberg: "We'll give you some work for you during your recovery while most of your coworkers tend to your care."

Dr. King: "And we'll find out who assigned you to SCP-058 and once we find the culprit we'll put him to questioning."

Dr. Iceberg: "And make him a D-Class."

(Y/N): "Thank you sirs."

Sometime later, we see you at your couch playing some minecraft as we see Dr. Buck gives you a sandwich.

(Y/N): "Thanks Doc."

Dr. Buck: "I see that you're doing work from home."

(Y/N): "Yep, just wanna keep my skills sharp in case I bump into any Minecraft SCPs."

Meanwhile with Roger, we see him talking on the phone with Gary.

Gary: *over the phone*"You're lucky that bovine heart monster managed to get him hurt enough to take some time off. Now he's vulnerable, we can strike him while he's down and we'll strike my sister next."

Roger: "But boss, he would be surrounded by WOOHP's top agents and Kim Possible defending him, not to mention some of the employees of the Foundation."

???: "Hey you there."

We see a pistol pointed at the back of Roger's head and that pistol was held Dr. Clef.

Dr. Clef: "I would like to speak with your boss, now hand it over."

Roger then handed over the phone to Dr. Clef and Dr. Clef speak into the phone.

Dr. Clef: "I presume you're (Y/N) and Kendyl's brother I reckon."

Gary: *over the phone*"Hello Dr. Clef or should I call you Dr. Freakshow. I know your little camera trick, your third eye, the fact that you're a better reality sink than Donald Trump, and my personal favorite, your daughter is perfect for hunting season."

Dr. Clef: *gets angry*"Leave her alone you bastard!"

Gary: *over the phone*"What's worse than a monster, a man fucking a monster and have a baby with a monster. You are a bigger monster than SCP-682!"

Dr. Clef: "I am nothing like that overgrown gecko! You can send all the moles you want to the Foundation. I'll be ready to fill them up with lead."

Gary: *over the phone*"Oh you think your organization has my moles in it? The Global Occult Coalition, Horizon Initiative, The Serpent's Hand, Chaos Insurgency, even cults like the Church of the Broken God and the Children of the Scarlet King have been infiltrated. Name any Group of Interest you know and they're in it."

Gary then hangs up as we see Dr. Clef knocks out Roger.

Dr. Clef: "The O5 Council would love to hear you squeal out all the dirt on Gary."

Next: Chapter 18: SCP-4335 "A Welt in the Crucible"

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