Chapter 12: SCP-1366-RU "Uncle Styopa"

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Here we see a woman who is lost in Odessa, Ukraine and she is trying to find her way around the area.

Woman: "Ugh, can't find my way around this place and I thought going to a funeral for both of my parents was bad enough."

The woman then sees a man in an old police uniform from the USSR era and heads to him.

The woman then sees a man in an old police uniform from the USSR era and heads to him

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Woman: "Excuse me sir, can you help me with some directions?"

Officer: *sees the woman*"Da."

We see the Officer lead the woman down an alley as we see the officer turn into his true form of that of SCP-1366-RU as the woman sees it.

We see the Officer lead the woman down an alley as we see the officer turn into his true form of that of SCP-1366-RU as the woman sees it

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Woman: "Oh god!"

Then the two disappeared moments later without anyone's suspicion on them. Sometime later, we see you and Kendyl in the office in Odessa, Ukraine and you see a book about Uncle Styopa.

(Y/N): "So the SCP is named after the children's tale about Uncle Styopa?"

Kendyl: "Yep, SCP-1366-RU is a humanoid entity that resembles a police officer wearing an older uniform from the USSR and its primary target are people who have lost their parents. He stands 5 meters tall, he has no muscle under the skin with no eyes or ears on the head. And the stick that is in the place of a left hand is ingrown and appears to be a baton that was used to direct traffic. Despite his mouth being damaged he can still talk but he's inarticulate but still has a mental influence on his victims and people who walk by don't seem to notice him. His true form can be revealed through recordings."

(Y/N): "Why are you referring to the SCP as a person?"

Kendyl: "I like to refer to SCPs as people, you have autism and you're my brother. So I treat SCPs like people with supernatural disabilities."

(Y/N): "Yeah, too bad our brother doesn't. Remember when we watched Friday the 13th movies?"

Kendyl: "Yeah Gary just wants Jason Voorhees dead because he said he was born a monster and monsters don't deserve to live. He doesn't care about how much pain Jason went through as a kid, all he cares about is wanting Jason dead just because he's ugly when he was a kid."

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