Returning Home

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Did I take the chance to add K-pop? Yes. Would I do it again? Also yes. (This further explains why she was speaking Korean in previous chapters).


Marinette ended up not going to school for the remainder of the week. The paparazzi were becoming too hard to go through despite everybody's help. Luckily, she was able to get her work from her teachers.

She was still stuck on that dang physics problem when she got a call from Adrien. "You're on speaker," she answered as she erased the work again. "Hey princess, what are you doing?" Adrien asked.

"The same damn physics problem for the fifth time," she complained. Adrien chuckled as he heard the sound of pens dropping and a cup hitting the floor. "Baark please stop throwing stuff around," she said.

"How is everyone? I would imagine that they miss being home," Adrien replied. "I think they just like being back 'cause they miss making a mess,'' Marinette joked, "It's fine; please just keep it down."

"How's Gotham? How's the Waynes?" Marinette asked. "They're fine; Jason and Dick are sad because you left, but they understand why. I haven't seen much of the others since you left," Adrien replied.

"Oh?" she inquired. "I left as soon as you did. I went back to the hotel room," Adrien said.


A giant boom interrupted the conversation. "Akuma, I got to go. Love you, Chaton," Marinette said before hanging up the call.

Marinette gagged as she saw the supervillain's latest outfit.


Nino sighed as Adrien and Alya giggled. "I hate you guys," Nino said, drawing his last card. Alya was now down to five cards and Adrien two. The discard pile did not contain three plus four cards.

"Give me... red," Alya said. Adrien set down a red five and stated, "Uno!". Nino set down a green five, followed by Alya placing a green seven. "And I'm out," Adrien said as he set down a wild card. Shouts of displeasure filled the room as Adrien laughed.

A phone ringing interrupted the laughter. "Who's phone is it?" Alya asked. They all checked their phones when Alya claimed it was hers. "Hey," Alya answered. Adrien and Nino's eyebrows raised, signaling to Alya that they wanted to know who was on the other side.

"We're just playing Uno," Alya stated, "It's Marinette."

"Oh? Just stay safe, okay? But I mean, if you want to get some footage for me..." Alya had joked. "Bye," she finished. "What did she need?" Nino said, finishing passing out the cards for the new round.

"She had just said there was an akuma attack," Alya said. Adrien's eyes widened. "I need to use the bathroom," Adrien said, "I'll be right back."


"Merci Dieu, you came just in time," Ladybug said, sitting on the ledge. "You know I would never let you down. Never going to run around and desert you. Never going to make you-" Ladybug's hand slapped over his mouth.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence," she said.

"Some people just don't appreciate good comedy," Chat huffed.

"I do when it's good," she smirked.

"Everyone's a critic," Chat smiled as he rolled his eyes. "Since day one, mon amour," she joked as she kissed him.

"I should head back right now before they break the bathroom door down," Chat said. "Come back tonight?" Ladybug asked. "Of course," he said before powering up and flying away.

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