In The Black Alley

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Hey guys! Sorry it took so long to update. I kind of lost inspiration to write but I am back now, and I will be binge watching Batman movies now so yay! Either way, I feel like I am going to far with this story but I'm trying to dial it back down after this chapter... kind of, I hope you enjoy!


"I'm going to go say goodnight to my father and Jason. Pack a small bag of disguises. We'll leave tomorrow afternoon. Bring Rena and Cara," Marinette said. "I'm assuming we're going to use Kaalki?" Adrien asked.

"It'll be less suspicious than driving Bruce Wayne's car. Plus, I don't know the villains in Metropolis. I want to have back up just in case. I don't want to risk the bracelet. It was nerve-wracking to steal and in the wrong hands-" Marinette shuddered.

"I'll go pack the bag. See you upstairs," Adrien said, kissing her cheek before heading upstairs.

Marinette smiled as she exited the manor.


Marinette's eyes rested on her father's figure. He was now talking to another guy; one she didn't recognize.

She slowly walked up behind him, catching the man's attention and therefore catching Bruce's. "Sorry to interrupt your conversation. I was wondering if I could speak to my father. It'll only take a few seconds, I swear," Marinette said.

"Marinette? Is something wrong?" Bruce asked. "Oh no. I was going to tell you that I am retiring to my room. It was a lovely party but it's all a little overwhelming," Marinette said.

"That's quite all right. Have a good night's sleep," Bruce said. Bruce watched as a small smile appeared on Marinette's face. Before he knew it, Marinette's arms were wrapped around his torso, and she was now closer than she was a few seconds prior.

Bruce just stared at the top of her head in shock before awkwardly wrapping his arm around her. She pulled back softly. "Good night, Dad," Marinette said, before running back inside.

Bruce watched as Marinette left, avoiding any paparazzi that wished to speak to her, and disappeared into the manor. "You okay there Bruce?" his guest asked. "Yes, sorry. You were saying?"


The whole day had just been Adrien and Marinette playing different video games in the entertainment room. Sometime into them playing Jason had decided to join, which they had accepted graciously.

She had liked playing video games with Jason. Adrien had commented that competitiveness must've been a Wayne thing because they both looked like they were going to kill each other when they passed each other.

It was no surprise when Marinette won, and Jason had demanded a rematch. Adrien didn't stand a chance when it came to beating them. And then Damian walked in, apparently, he went out to walk Titus and when he came back it was 'too quiet'.

"You want to play?" Marinette asked, handing him another controller. Though Damian said he had more important things than playing with children, he had reluctantly agreed when Jason had claimed that he could never beat the three of them.

Marinette had won, Damian coming in second, Adrien third, and Jason last. Damian was pissed that Marinette had won but Jason just laughed. "Shut up, Todd. You came in at last place," Damian said, death glaring at his older brother.

"But at least I'm not the first loser," Jason laughed. Damian flew across the couch, Jason blocking his attack. Marinette and Adrien were able to slip out.

Black AlleyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon