Jokes on Him

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"Watch out for Damian," Adrien whispered in Marinette's ear as they entered Gotham Academy, "He's like you but more angry and violent."

"You've met him before?" Marinette asked. "Chloe and I came once, two years ago. We met him and a guy named Dick. I believe he is your other brother," Adrien said.

"Thanks for the heads up," Marinette said. They said as they entered Mr. Zimmerli's class.

"Okay, listen up you punks. We have this lovely teacher and her students joining us today. Behave!" he said. "Ms. Bustier," he said, letting her take his spot.

"Hello, my name is Ms. Bustier and this is my class. We are so excited to be here and join you guys," Ms. Bustier announced.

Mr. Zimmerli and Ms. Bustier had partnered everybody up, leaving Marinette the last one to be partnered. "Look Marinette, Mr. Zimmerli warned me about the last student. His name is Damian Wayne and he warned me that he is very... aggressive. I trust you can handle him?" Ms. Bustier said.

Marinette's smile faltered for a second. "You got it, Ms. Bustier. I won't let you down," Marinette said. "I know you won't," her teacher replied before sending her off.

Dieu, j'espère que je ne vais pas tout foutre en l'air, she thought.


Damian was not happy. Not one bit (this was usual though). His father had forced him to come to school and forced him to play nice with the French students that were visiting his school. He wanted to be out there with Batman and capture the Riddler who escaped Arkham a few days ago thanks to the assistance of the Joker.

Instead, he was stuck here with some preppy French girl whose name was- Marissa. Mariah? - he didn't know nor did he care. He saw the girl staring at him with a questioning look on her face.

It was after a minute or two of analyzing him, that she just sat back in her chair and was playing with her fingers. Damian only looked at her once to know that she was the type of person who could talk for hours. But seeing her there, playing with her fingers (clearly wanting to talk), and just staring at him, made him mad.

"Are you gonna keep staring or what?" Damian finally asked, surprising the girl. "Oh, well, I- you're-"

"Damian Wayne. My father's only biological child," he could see she tried to not roll her eyes, "Is there something you wanted to say or are you going to keep babbling nonsense," Damian snarled.

"You know-" she took a breath, "You're right. I'm sorry, let me start over. My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and I'm the representative for my class. My parents and I run a bakery. What about you?" she asked.

He just ignored her, turning forward and looking back at his phone which had the files that Dick sent him about the Riddler. He simply ignored every conversation around him and the feeling of that French girl looking over his shoulder at the file. He had just gotten to the picture taken by the security cameras in Arkham when Damian heard her gasp.

He looked over to her to see her staring at his outfit, clearly recognizing something about it. With his luck, she would know something they didn't and help with the case. Marinette saw that he was looking at her, expecting her to say something about what she gasped at.

"That outfit, it's hideous. Who would clash those colors together?" she said. Damian saw she was lying, she wasn't very good at it (Well, that's what she wanted people to think).

She tapped Adrien's shoulder who was sitting in front of her with the most annoying girl ever, Ellie Davis. "Hey Damian, can you show Adrien that photo?"

"Why?" he questioned. "I'm an aspiring designer," at this, he began to speak, "What do you-" she kicked his shin. "-And he's a famous model so I wanted to get his opinion on it."

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