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I woke up and checked the time and I had an hour before I had to leave for school. I got out of bed or pretty much rolled out of it and I walked to the bathroom.

I used the restroom and washed my hands then I brushed my teeth and my h/l hair. Then I went to the kitchen and made some eggs and toast with some orange juice. I sat at the little table near the counter of the kitchen and ate the food. By the time I was done I had about 30 minutes left.

I went back to the bathroom and washed my face and put on a little bit of mascara and lip gloss and then went to my room and got changed into my clothes.

I wore ripped grey jeans along with a black T-shirt  and matching black shoes.

I grabbed my backpack and went to the door and walked outside and locked the door.

Time skip

When I got to school I say Izuku and went up to him and said  "Hey Izuku I may have had a boy over yesterday." He looked at me shocked and said "Hold on let me get this straight. You,Y/n, had a boy over and did not tell me. ANYTHING!" I shushed him and said "I am sorry but after I was busy and I an so sorry but also we have been talking for about a week after school and I got side tracked. I am sorry. Okay." He still looked at me mad and said "Well, at least you told me now." I smiled and we walked to class and had no traing so we only did book work. Boring.

Time skip

When school was over before I could even say bye to Izuku he quickly said "You better now text me everything yall say. Okay? Also bye bestie." I looked at him and smile kindly and said "Okay I will bye bestie." And after that we walked our separate ways.

When I was walking the way I always walk to the bench I saw a rose and decided to pick it from the ground and give it to Shiggy. I like the nickname Shiggy. But anyways I know I can make one but I feel better to pick one of the ground. More natural.

When I saw him on the bench I looked at him from behind and snuck up behind him and said "Boo!" He quickly turned around and got scared. I laughed at him and he started to get mad at me. I sat beside him and said "Come on. It was funny. Dont be mad." I gave him puppy dog eyes and he looked at me and said "Dont look at me like that."  I kept looking at him like that and he said to me "I said stop." I smiled but kept doing the puppy eyes and I said "I dont care. Dont be mad at me."

He sighed and said "Fine." And rolled his eyes. I laughed and said "I always win.' He was looking forwards but then have me a death stare and said "I also win." I got red and said "Nope. If it is involved with me then I always win." He looked at me normal and said "Sure" with a smirk. I got flustered and turned around so he would not see me in this state.

He laughed and pulled my arm so he would see me but I kept pushing away so he would not see me. "Come on. Show me your face." He said with a little hint of laughter. I shook my head 'no' and he then said "Y/n I did not ask to. I told you."  I got more red at that moment and turned me face to him and he said "Did my poor baby get like a tomato?" I looked at him and the thought his baby why would he call me that. He smirked and said "I wish I had a quirk that I can read peoples mind. So I can read yours." I said quiet and pouted "Stop pouting." I stoped and I got up from my seat and he looked at me with a questionable face and he said "Where are you going?" I looked at him and said "Follow me." I walked off and grabbed my bag and went home.

Time skip

The whole time we was quiet on the walk here but I took off my shoes and my backpack and went to the couch and layed down. I was tired. I didnt have homework because I did it at school. I saw Shiggy take off his shoes and walked over and moved my legs and out them on his lap.

"Are you still mad at me" he asked I smiled and said "I never was. I tricked you. I win." He looked at me with disbelief and said "I never knew we were playing a game." "You do now" I responded. He nodded and looked aeound and I looked up and close my eyes. After 5 minutes I felt a hand on my leg. I opened up my eyes and saw Shiggy puting his hand closer and closer to my inner thigh. Then stopped. I was waiting for him to ask for permission but nope. He just looked up and closed his eyes and moved his hand to his pockets. I would have let him go higher.

What. What am I thinking. I think I like. Him. Romantically. Dammit.

Before I closed my eyes I saw him smirking. Slightly though. Hmm.

I clossed my eyes and soon fell into a deep sleep. I felt shuffling. It is Shiggy leaving. I dont want him to so I say still with my eyes closed "Dont leave." I opened my eyes and got up and went over to him and he said "I have to baby."

I shook my head 'no' and grabbed his sleeve and said "Whyyyy" with a whiny tone.

"The league needs me. I am the boss" he responded. I started to cry and say "Please dont go. I will be lonely." He let out a sigh and he nodded yes. I went to my room and went to the bed and layed down. I saw him stand there awkwardly and I said "Lay down." He came over and layed next to me and I got comfortable.

We fell asleep. Peacefully.

There was a weekend after chapter 5 but I forgot to put it but pretty much you just had a sleepover with Izuku

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