Part 3: chapter 11

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"He was here!" Cerus growled. "Where Is he?"

"He's gone. You won't find him." I stood up and faced him. "Just you and me!"

He growled and aparated away leaving me feeling a little high and dry.'fucking asshole.

Sebastian stirred behind me making me turn my focus to him. "Sebastian," I bent down to help him up. "Are you okay?"

"My back is a bit sore but where's the kids."

"I sent them back." I said wiping my eyes quickly.

He looked at me shocked but then pulled me into a tight hug while I started crying on his shoulder. I felt his grip tighten but he didn't say anything.

Finally I heard him sigh, "we should probably put the house out."

"Wait, please do what i asked. So Ominis doesn't have to."

"Ava not again." He tried to stop me.

"You don't have to do it to yourself. But do it to me." I begged.

Sebastian let out a frustrated sound as he stood us up and took out his wand. "Ava I don't like doing this. I want you to know that."

"Sebastian you literally used Crucio on me the year we met."

"Well.. that was... yeah you're right I did." He shook himself off and pointed his wand at me. "Only the memories of Eleazar passing. For all you know he's safe." Well when he says it like that, "obliviate," he said softly as my mind got fuzzy.

"Ava." The urgency in Sebastian's voice made me look up quickly.

"What?" I looked around and sighed as I saw the house in ruin.

"Did it work?" He asked checking me over.

"Did what work?" I asked, genuinely concerned.

"The...." He looked around, "the reparo spell?"

I looked around at the house, "does it look like it worked?"

He chuckled. "I Guess not."

"Eleazar will kick our ass if he comes back and his room is destroyed." I waved my wand and started to fix stuff while Sebastian kept staring at me with a sad eyes. "What? The kids are fine, I promise. I sent them to someone who will definitely do everything in their power to protect them."

Sebastian smiled but I could tell it was fake. "You're right. They are safe and we can focus on kicking Cerus's ass." I nodded confidently as I continued to fix the house.


"Good morning, Sallows." Weasley smiled as I passed her the next  Monday morning with Sebastian.

"Good morning, Professor. I wanted to let you know Eleazar will be out temporarily. He's gone to stay with some.. relatives."

Weasley seemed to quickly glance at Sebastian behind me with worry before it completely disappeared with a smile, "oh, well he'll just have to catch up on work when he's back. See you both later." And scurried off.

"What was that about?" I asked Sebastian softly.

He shrugged, "who knows."

"Ava, Sebastian." Ominis called us as he hurried up to us with his wand in front of him. "I heard about the attack. Are you guys okay? How are the kids?"

"They are fine, they are.." something seemed muddy in my head when I looked at Ominis. It made my head hurt.

"Ava?" Ominis asked noticing I stopped talking.

Overtaken, book 1Where stories live. Discover now