I thought about it for a moment. "You could come to my house if you want."

"Sounds good," Isaac said, smiling at me.

I looked away, feeling my own lips curve into a smile as my heart fluttered. I was getting a crush on one of the only friends I'd made here. Great. I couldn't help it though, not when he looked at me with those eyes, or when he told me something that made me laugh, when countless others had tried and failed to coax laughs out of me.

When we arrived at my house, no one seemed to be home, so we got some snacks from the cupboard and got settled on the couch to watch some movies. It took about 15 minutes of bickering before we landed on something to watch, a horror movie, and by then half of the bowl of popcorn had already been eaten.

We turned all the lights off and closed the blinds to get into the spooky feel and played the movie. I was tensed, watching with morbid fascination at how utterly dumb people could be. Hear a noise in the dark scary basement? Go check it out. See the light on in the house when no one's supposed to be home? Go investigate.

Throughout the movie I found myself gravitating closer and closer to Isaac, more out of fear than anything else. I grabbed onto Isaac's arm, clutching it tightly as I watched the movie with dread. I slunk down, closer to Isaac as I tried and failed to look away. I sat there, tightly coiled as the movie continued. Eventually I managed to glance away at Isaac, only to find him already staring at me. His eyes darted back to the tv when I caught him, and I smiled slightly as I turned back to the tv.

When the movie finished, we decided to go up to my room and play cards. I kept glancing at my wardrobe, wanting to continue reading the book, but I also enjoyed spending time with Isaac, so I shoved the book out of my mind and focused on beating Isaac at cards.

We were halfway through our third game – I'd won the first round and Isaac the second – when we were interrupted by Isaac's phone ringing. Isaac distractedly grabbed his phone, eyes still planted on his card, and he glanced at the caller ID before freezing, his whole body going stiff as he stared at his phone.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

Isaac looked up, as if just remembering I was there. "Oh, nothing. It's just my dad."

I watched uneasily as Isaac answered the phone, his voice weaker than usual. I heard muffled shouts from the other side of the phone, and Isaac tried to explain something but kept getting cut off, eventually just staying quiet and enduring his father's words.

When he eventually ended the call, he looked up at me apologetically, like he'd inconvenienced me. "I'm really sorry but I've got to cut this short. My dad-"

"It's fine," I assured him. "I had fun today.

Isaac smiled. "So did I."

Isaac left and I sat there, quietly going over the phone call Isaac had had with his father. I didn't manage to hear what he'd said, but Isaac's father had sounded angry, and Isaac himself had seemed scared.

I grabbed my phone off my bedside table and sent Isaac a quick 'are you okay?' text, but he didn't answer. I sat there, fidgeting with my hands as I waited anxiously for him to text back, but after 30 minutes of no replies, I gave up and decided to distract myself by reading the book.

I finally learnt how to sense if someone is a werewolf, a quick spell that required no chant and I could do inside my head. The only downside was I had to focus on a person to use it, meaning if I wanted to know if I had a werewolf in my class, I'd have to use the spell on each individual person to find out.

There was the sound of a door closing downstairs and I shut the book, hurrying out of my room and downstairs to find Allison coming back from who knows where. With the spell in my mind, I cast the enchantment, but came back with nothing.

So Allison wasn't a werewolf. Good to know.

I greeted Allison with a smile as she passed me to go to her room, and I strolled into the kitchen to look for snacks, my mind wandering. Were there any werewolves in Beacon Hills? I mentally face palmed. Of course there were. The book had said that the war would take place wherever I found the book, meaning it would happen here in Beacon Hills.

"Hey did you have popcorn?" Allison asked as she came downstairs.

I looked up from the bag of pretzels I'd found. "Oh, yeah I had a friend over."

"What friend?"

I looked at my feet. "Um, Isaac Lahey."

Allison smirked and I rolled my eyes, silently wondering whether it was that obvious that I liked him. Surely not, right? I went upstairs and into my room where the book was discarded on my bed. I picked it up, not wanting to part with it tomorrow, and decided to hide it in my bag, so I had it just in case something happened.


sorry for the late update (a week, i know, i'm sorry) and also for the short chapter

next chapter is the start of actual season 2 of teen wolf tho, so stay tuned for that

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