"Now?" she asked, and went in for a hug. Anything to sell the new engagement, right?

"Find him. Then find me."

+ + +

Harry was nowhere to be found.

River's heart was flying all over the place. Sweat beaded at her hairline. Everything hurt. Especially the band around her ring finger, weighed down by the 10-carat emerald-cut diamond. It was ever the reminder of what happened on the beginning of her twenty-ninth year.

It was much later now, perhaps even an hour had gone by, since the engagement fiasco happened. Everyone wanted to take a look at the diamond on River's hand, and it was Charlie who helped her get away. It was a surprise, as great as the sudden engagement, that he had her side.

Charlie drove her back to the villa, and promised they would talk later. She needed this time, and he understood. Mentioned briefly he had some things to take care of anyway, and by the look on his face, it was obvious he also had someone to let go.

When River went inside, she barely made a sound. On her way up to the bedroom, she slipped her new ring off of her finger, and put it in her bag. It felt wrong to wear, and it was the last thing she wanted Harry to see.

Emotions clogged her down. River could barely move her hand down the handle of the door, even though it was cracked open. Silence until three rapid sniffles interrupted the quietness, and River knew she was done. Eyes welled with tears, she looked around the room. It was in the same state they left it before the dinner. The duvet on the floor, River's slippers by the nightstand where Harry slept.

Two bags were propped on the bed, one filled with clothes, the other in the process of being filled. It hurt River to know he already made a decision to leave.

"Darling?" she called out, hopeful to see Harry. The call went unanswered so she placed her bag on the chest of drawers, and proceeded to go in further to check out the bathroom.

She wished she hadn't when she found Harry sat on the edge of the bath, his hands on his knees, arms completely stretched out, while his head hung low. "Oh, darling," she whispered, and hurried to his side. Her arms went around his shoulders immediately, then one slid up to cradle the back of his head. It seemed the physical connection severed his last remaining string of control because he broke down in her arms, cheek pressed to her chest. "I'm so sorry," she whispered, or thought, it could've been both, and she would've never known the difference.

River wasn't sure she ever heard a man cry. Certainly not the way Harry hung onto her for dear life as the pain poured from his soul until it soaked her clothes. He pulled her in with his arms, and she curled her fingers into his hair. Leaned down to kiss the crown of his head which resulted in him sitting her on his lap. It was uncomfortable, and heart wrenching, but she didn't know what other option they had.

Harry could've cried for ten minutes, or an hour, River lost track of time entirely. Nothing that would've been useful in this moment came to her, and she doubted anything would've helped. When his shoulders stopped their movement at last, it felt like his tears had dried up. River took his face into her hands gently, and lifted his head until she could see his eyes. Red, and bloodshot, the green sparkled from the tears.

"Let's get you in the shower, hm?" she offered but he didn't respond. Instead, he lifted his hand, and touched her cheek. His skin was warm against hers—hers was wet. She didn't notice the tears that she let roll free because she focused so much on Harry, and wanting him to be okay. Nothing else mattered besides him.

His hand cascaded down her shoulder, the length of her arm, until he held her left hand. Eyebrows furrowed, he finally averted his gaze from her face to inspect her hand. "Where is it?" he asked. His voice sounded deep, and gravelly. River almost asked if his throat hurt.

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