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"You're the cruellest woman I have ever had the privilege to know."

The words fell from Mila Forbes's mouth the moment she stopped before River. Wind blew on her black hair, thick as her eyebrows, eyes the same shade of darkness. Brown skin glowed beneath Mila's deep red gown, held on by straps on her shoulders. As River knew her best friend to be, the fierce U shape of her dress revealed her chest, the cut of the material high up to the middle of her right thigh.

Still, the thing that drew all attention from the magnificent woman standing there, was the rock situated on Mila's left ring finger.

For it was genuinely a rock. Blinding enough to provide sight to stumbling feet in the shadows. Emerald cut diamond and large enough to cover the space between the start of Mila's finger to her first knuckle.

"Jesus Christ," River chuckled as she held her best friend's hand in both of hers. The light sparkled off of the ring as River turned it from side to side. Small, yet the clearest diamonds she's ever seen, sparkled on the band of the jewellery. The rock itself was encrusted by similar, smaller ones.

"Weighs a ton, too," Mila joked and wiggled her fingers in River's grip. It made the Hamilton woman chuckle once more and she could barely take her eyes off of the ring. "I didn't know what to expect but I'm glad for it."

"If you ever need to make a run for it, I suppose this beauty would last you your life," she responded, and let go of Mila's hand. They shared a laugh, though both of them knew divorce was not an option. Not for any other reason than it being looked down upon.

"Aaliyah said the same thing," Mila mentioned, her head in the direction of one of the tables. River couldn't see until it was pointed out to her—there, somewhere in the sea of people, Aaliyah spoke to someone, wearing her emerald green dress. No doubt spinning heads as usual. "She needed a drink right after. Said she needed to distance herself before she found herself wanting to marry for the sole reason of getting engaged."

Sounded like Aaliyah. Ever since River came to know her best friend, she knew Aaliyah never yearned for marriage. She didn't care for love. No one broke her heart. No one in her family put her through trauma. If anything, she'd been the only one out of their little trio of a friend group who had the easiest childhood, and smoothest transition into adulthood.

All Aaliyah wanted was to travel the world. To learn. To see and do everything she possibly could before old age crept up on her. That sense of sureness in one's-self, made River look up to her friend more than anyone else. To have a friend like Aaliyah was a blessing, for she put River in her place when she needed it—and even when she didn't.

River's thoughts travelled far before they retreated, and she asked, "Now, why am I so cruel? What have I done to you?"

The question made Mila laugh and smooth a hand down River's exposed shoulder in comfort. The warm touch of Mila's hand sent a shiver down her spine. When did it get so chilly?

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