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Harry freaked out, and fucked up. Simple as that. Nothing else to it.

Overwhelmed by the reality he lived, he suddenly couldn't stop the thoughts of her leaving him. The time they had together was limited, and sex like what they had was bound to make it worse for him in the end. It made him realise how deeply in love he was with River, how much he would've sacrificed for her if she simply thought about it, and everything that followed this newfound clarity caused him to spiral.

The funny thing about it had to be the reason behind his actions that evening. The reason that forced his hand to push her away. If he had to be honest, he knew it was stupid but he couldn't control how he felt when River told him about her evening routine.


River Hamilton's evening routine sent Harry Styles running for the hills.

The way in which she spoke about what she did before bed every night opened up a new door of her life to him. One where she spent precious time taking care of herself with luxurious products and things, and Harry knew then.

In that very moment.

The switch flicked in his brain, telling him he could never give her the life she expected.

Granted, River never explicitly told him she expected anything from him but he knew. Someone like her didn't grow up the way she did then settled for something less. It was painfully obvious how out of place River looked at Harry's dinner table. Hell, the entire apartment felt much too small to have someone like her inside of it. Almost like trying to fit a rectangle shape object into a circle. It just wasn't happening.

Neither were they.

Not for how he wished to have her. Forever.

Whilst it didn't take away from how he behaved like an asshole, and probably hurt her beyond explanation, the time Harry gave himself to understand his own actions was beneficial. It was a wakeup call he needed. It blared, sure, it made his ears ring for days, certainly, but he was glad for it.

Because what the fuck did he think? That he'd be able to convince River to be with him? To help her plan something so her parents let them be together?

It made him scoff. The childishness he felt as he thought about it in detail. A powerful man like Dexter Hamilton didn't give a shit about anything but success. If he could marry his only daughter off for a benefit, he was going to do it, and nothing and no one was going to be able to stop it. Certainly not an employee of his.

Even though Harry knew he shouldn't have tossed River to the side like she didn't matter to him, he didn't know how to control his emotions in her presence. Being so painfully blinded by the reality caused his brain to focus on the negatives, and pushed his actions to save him. Survival mode was a strange thing humans fell into without much of a choice. It was an instinct.

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