🫣My story

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Most people in the university were in relationships, too much love was really in the air, and one could smell it.
As a new first-year student, Michelle was advised by her parents to focus on her books and make good grades. As the days passed, she became used to the university and its environs. One sunny Saturday afternoon, Michelle was washing dirty clothes when she heard a male voice greeting her; "Hi beautiful', do you need help with washing? 'No, thank you' Michelle stood up and responded whilst wiping her face. 'lam Geoffrey, a third-year student offering Business Administration. Well, let me go straight to the point, I love you and want us to date. 'But that is too sudden, we just met and are about to know each other very well before we get to that stage, Michelle voiced out. My bad, I am sorry but mine is love at first sight...going crazy for you girl'. Michelle blushed. My homies are in this hostel so I will be coming around to see you. Which room are you in? After Michelle told him, he waved and left. She continued washing, full of smiles.

Geoffrey kept his word by visiting her often, only in the evenings because according to him, the environment is quiet for communication, and having to look at the stars in the sky. The relationship was going on well until one day, Geoffrey started acting up. He hardly visited Michelle and doesn't pick up or respond to her messages. She was so sad but tried to be okay after all she was brought to the university to study. One good day, she decided to stand on the balcony and watch students walking around when suddenly, she saw Geoffrey and another lady kissing. She was shocked and rubbed her eyes to be sure she was not dreaming.
It was Real. She walked up to them and greeted them.
'This is?" The lady quizzed. Oh, this is a friend I made on my way to your hostel room, she is called Michelle.
Please meet my girlfriend, Christiana. Girlfriend? So, what were we? Michelle asked. Geoffrey pulled her aside and said, "My girlfriend is back. She was hospitalized and is now better. I just needed comfort then but now she is here, and I am okay. Just forget about us and concentrate on why you are here, madam level 100 student, be good and take care. Michelle stood in shock as they left her alone. She was heartbroken. Love they say; isn't blind, it sees but it just doesn't mind

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