Chapter 17

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𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝖜𝖆𝖘 𝖆 pain like nothing else. Fire, ice, and lightning striking my body. Of course, I'd felt this pain before- twice. But somehow, it seemed almost worse this time. Perhaps because he was angrier than before. Before, he'd been amused, but this time I could've screwed things up for him.

He lifted the curse and I was able to breathe again. It was the end of the day, fairly close to curfew. Uncle Moody- the real one- had woken up sometime throughout my torture, looking fairly tortured himself.

"Let her go." Uncle Moody croaked out, his voice barely a whisper. "She hasn't done anything to you."

Barty Crouch Jr. ignored him completely, grabbing my hair and slamming me against the ladder bars. I gritted my teeth in pain as the rungs dug into my back.

"I suppose I didn't warn you enough. You didn't tell anyone. . . but you interfered, damnit! Crucio!"

I screamed at the pain. I remembered that this was the man who, alongside the Lestranges, had tortured Neville's parents into madness.

When he let the curse up, he let me lay there for a moment, going up to the ladder and closing the trunk lid.

"Elizabeth." Uncle Moody croaked from the corner, "What happened to you?"

I trembled, unable to answer for a moment and finally made it into a sitting position and hugged my knees. "I found out he was the impostor." I muttered. "I tried to go to Dumbledore but he intercepted and threatened someone's life that I love." Tears dripped down my face along with sweat. "I can't tell anyone now or he'll kill them."

Uncle Moody put a gnarled hand on my own. "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too." I said. "If I didn't love him so much you'd be free by now." I snorted shakily. "God I'm pathetic."

"Love isn't a bad thing." Uncle Moody said dreamily. I knew he was under the imperius curse and probably so tired he couldn't fight it. He was probably going to drift back off to sleep any moment now. Indeed, he was soon snoring lightly.

I got to my feet, stamping out the sleepiness. I wasn't sure why Barty Crouch Jr. had left, but I wasn't all that sure I was supposed to leave. The torture still fresh in my mind, I sat back down in the opposite corner from him.

However, Crouch Jr. returned fairly soon and set the curse on me again. After twenty moments, he told me to leave. My limbs were shaky, my face wet with salty tears, and my voice hoarse from screaming. I nearly fell climbing the ladder and had to stop several times on my way to the common room.

Once in the common room, I had to avoid Cedric and get up to my dorm so I could fall asleep. Cedric called my name as I slipped through the door but I didn't turn back. I didn't want hi m to see me like this.

Over the next few days, I helped Harry get ready for the third task. I was thankful that the third task was coming soon and exams were almost here and I could leave this horrible place. I would make Snape come home with me so I could then send a letter to Dumbledore about Moody and Barty Crouch Jr. It was a daydream, a stupid one, but it gave me a bit of hope.

Harry had worked on the Stunning spell mostly and kept stunning Ron over and over. Hermione and I watched.

When the bell rang, Hermione headed off for Arithmancy, I went down to Care of Magical Creatures, and Harry and Ron went to Divination.

Hagrid had us dealing with fairies today which was a very interesting experience. They are very vain creatures, fairies. They liked mirrors and other shiny things. Hagrid had us building small houses for them- each one had to have a mirror- for we were going to have a fairy farm. I made four before class was over and set them with the other ones.

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