Chapter 2. Nothing's Like The Old Days

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On the 9th Floor of Nazarick, in the room known as the Round Table, which accommodated a gigantic circular table carved in gleaming black stone, and surrounding it 41 opulent chairs. In this meeting room sat two esteemed members of the guild of Ainz Ooal Gown, Momonga and Herohero. Their respective heteromorphic races being an Overlord and an Elder Black Ooze.

Unfortunately for the former, their conversation only held for at least 15 minutes. And while most of the time was spent listening to his slimy friend rant about his real-life problems, he was still more than happy to listen to all of his complaints.

It's what good friends do after all. 

But to his dismay, he's friend really wanted to leave. He was exhausted beyond all doubts. And while Momonga appreciated he was the only one who had shown up at all, he still wanted him to keep him company until midnight, when the servers of Yggdrasil would shut down for good.

But sadly, the slime was very insistent, saying things like needing to sleep because of his early work schedule the next day. 

So Momonga silently surrendered to his friend's wish and agreed without putting any resistance. He would never dare try and enforce his personal will upon his friends. 

And now with the conversation nearing its end, they began exchanging their final farewells, marking this moment as the last time they will ever see each other again.

"I think I'll log off first. I'm glad I could meet you in the end. Goodnight Momon-..."

The slime was about to finish before finally logging off and go to bed, but he got distracted by the sudden letters that appeared before him with a *Ding* sound.

His slimy tentacle was worriedly hanging over the log out button in the command console. And from the corner of his eyes, he could sense that Momonga was looking at him pleadingly. 

In the end, he gave in to his silent plea and his own consciousness. He closed the menu as this guildmate finished materializing. 

Leaving as his friend arrived would just be extremely rude of him after all.

[Beast King Mekongawa has logged in.]

As soon as the figure finished appearing on his chair, he grinned, yet not being able to display it inside the game. 

"Ah, it's good to be back." Mekongawa said very chilled as he looked around, pinpointed the only two guildmates in the room and smiled brightly, "Hey guys, long time no see!" He then noticed the empty room, "So... what I miss? Where is everyone? Are they outside or something?"

Mekongawa placed both hands on the table, leaning forward. The Primordial Werewolf had appeared seated down about 15 chairs away from the Overlord and Elder Black Ooze. 

Momonga smiled brightly at his black furred friend, he hadn't heard his voice in years. But he soon grimaced when he asked about the rest who failed to show up. Nonetheless, he stood up and opened his arms to greet him in a welcoming manner. 

"Mekongawa-san, you made it! And well, we missed you!" The werewolf laughed lightly at that. "No, but seriously now, I'm both sorry and happy to tell you that you haven't missed anything... since there weren't enough people to make any plans at all..." He lowered his head a little, feeling a little embarrassed.

Though Momonga bought many fireworks in case any of his friends wanted to light any for the shutdown, the fact that only one person showed up made the idea pretty much redundant, without mentioning he was already on his way out too... So yeah, embarrassingly, there was no plan made at all.

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