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As normal, Hazel has asked me to define some words that she has used in this account. I know what all of these words mean, of course, but most people simply aren't as clever as me. Hazel has done a good job of writing up this case, and I have to admit that she is improving. A little more work and a few more cases, Anne some might even become a genius like me.

Amateur - somebody who is new to something and needs to improve. 

Applaud - another word for clapping for a show or performance.

Barge - running into somewhere in a rush, usually without permission.

Blackmail - threatening someone not to do something because you know a secret about them that you could share.

Chump - a silly, occasionally stupid person. Hazel used to be a bit of a chump.

Corroborate - a fancy detective word meaning agree (in this case, George had to corroborate Alexander's clue).

Discriminate - a nasty thing that happens to Hazel and George. It is when people are rude because somebody is different.  

Estatique - the name of the circus we went to, and is French for ecstatic.

Exchanged - where you give or share something with each other, like money.

Ferociously - fiercely and quickly. Lavinia is quite ferocious. 

Flared up - getting angry immediately after someone has said something you don't like.

Genius - Daisy Wells.

Grades - a sort of score you receive in a test. Hazel and I get very good grades.

Half-sister - a sister that is not entirely your sister. She will have the same father but a different mother or the other way around.

Irritated - annoyed and angry at something or someone.

Jolt - a sudden stop. It can also mean something you get in your stomach when you realise something terrible.

Leak - this doesn't always mean water. Hazel used it meaning that the secrets were shared.

Morse - if you have read this case and still do not know what morse means, please get out.

Musophobia - a tricky word, I admit. It is the name for the fear of rats and mice, which I personally think is a silly fear.

Pang - an emotional feeling that you get in your chest. Hazel gets them when Alexander mentions me. I don't get pangs.

Pash - a girl admiring another girl (usually older) and desperately wanting to be their friend.

Persuade - making someone think or do something they didn't think or want to do before. I am quite good at persuading adults.

Promptly - doing something immediately after something happens or someone says something.

Shrimp - the name for the younger girls at Deepdean.

Spiffing - a word George, Alexander, and I use a lot that simply means 'very good'.

Stifle - trying to hide something, usually laughter or tears.

Telegram - a way to send and receive messages. They are very useful. 

Underage - under 18, but in some cases, it can mean younger than a certain age limit.

Unforgettable - the meaning is quite clear. I think Alexander finds me unforgettable, but Hazel doesn't like it when I say that.

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