They were closely examining a TARDIS circuit when there was a jolt and an alarm sounded

"Now, that wasn't me, was it?" He glanced at Morgana who put down the toolkit she'd been carrying

"I don't think so, in this you might be innocent, for once" Morgana told him playfully, he snorted and went to the door to look at it.

"Oh, that can't be good." He grumbled; the doors were getting smaller.

Clara headed down towards an underpass, by the steps there was a shrine of pictures and flowers, there was a group of community payback were near the top of the steps.

"Cheer up, love. Might never happen." Stan shouted

"Have some respect. She's grieving." George replied

"Oh, sorry, love. I didn't mean nothing by it." He said apologetically, looking abashed, Clara shook her head and walked on, one of the lads running after her

"Sorry about them. They're idiots." The boy apologised to her

"That's all right, don't worry. I've heard worse." Clara assured him

"I've lost someone, too." The boy told her "My Aunt Karina. Deaf as a post. Didn't really know her that well but she's still gone. Is your one in the mural?" he stroke the back of a small woman in a yellow jacket.

"Oh, no. I haven't actually" Clara replied.

"I'm sure they'll get round to it at some point." He assured her emphatically "I'm not really with that lot out there. I just have to do this community service thing. I just do graffiti. Not anything, you know, murdery or-"

"So, er, what's all this about? What's happened to all these people?" Clara asked

"You mean you don't know?" he asked her in shock.

"Hey, I think I've found something. People are missing all over the estate." Clara told them over the phone as Morgana lounged in her chair, flipping through a sighed copy of Romeo and Juliet.

"Do you think there's a connection?" she asked

"Perhaps it's an Isolus again" Morgana suggested.

He shot her a curious look but said "Could be."

"And where are you?" Clara asked them

"Exactly where we were" the Doctor replied

"No, you're not. I'm here and I can't see. Oh." Clara breathed out

"Yes." He grunted "Oh."

The TARDIS was now six inches high and Clara burst out laughing

"Oh, my God, that is so adorable. Are you two in there?" Clara asked gleefully

"Yes, we are" the Doctor said

"And thankfully, we aren't being crushed to death" Morgana said thankful.

"And, no, it's not adorable. It's very, very serious." The Doctor told her flatly as he took a small item from a wooden box.

"So, is this more shrink ray stuff? Are you tiny in there?" Clara asked them "a tiny timelord and tiny vampire!"

"Lovely, I so adore being demeaned" Morgana grunted.

"No. We're exactly the same size. It's merely the exterior dimensions that have changed." The Doctor said as he opened the tiny door.

"Stop laughing." The Doctor grumbled at Clara "This is serious."

"Yeah, well, I can't help it, can I, with you and your big old face. How are you going to get out?" Clara asked them.

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