Chapter 127

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"You could leave all that stuff here, you know. We do have literally acres of room." The Doctor told Clara as she came up the stairs to the console room

"Oh, no. It's all right. Danny's got a little bit territorial. The idea of me leaving so much as a toothbrush here." Clara replied

"Because that's a healthy relationship" Morgana grumbled

Clara shot her a look but kept on talking "But, still, he's all right with us doing this which I admit's a little bit weird, cos you'd think if he had a problem with me leaving stuff in the Tardis, he'd object to me travelling in the Tardis. But he's not, so."

"Sorry. Stopped listening a while ago." The Doctor admitted candidly "Okay. Er, same time you left, same place-ish."

"Ish? Don't give me an ish." Clara told him with a sigh of annoyance.

"It could be a whole five years, trust me ish is good" Morgana told her

"These readings are very er, ishy." The Doctor said with a frown making Morgana walk over to him to have a look.

"Have you broken something again Dearest?" Morgana asked him and he shot her a narrowed eyed look.

"No, likely your son has" he replied

"Our sons haven't been in the TARDIS for three months" Morgana pouted, missing her kids.

"Well, Freya did offer Lark a fun vacation and Thor wanted to go deep sea diving" the Doctor replied

"Er, Doctor?" Clara asked from near the doors

"Uh huh?" The Doctor said as the pair over to the TARDIS doors, the doors were now about a metre high and the Doctor stooped to open it and look outside.

Morgana sighed and contorted herself after him, Clara following and closing the door there were tracks with a train shed behind them, a sign on the railings told them Bristol Sidings 344.

"Well. Well, I wonder what caused this? I don't think we're bigger, are we?" he asked in confusion, he didn't seem taller

"No Dearest, the TARDIS is smaller...somehow" Morgana said as he scanned Clara

"Bristol? Doctor, we're in Bristol!" Clara shouted at him.

"Yes, we've noticed" Morgana said

"And a hundred and twenty miles from where we should be." the Doctor said "Impressive."

"No. Not impressive. Annoying." Clara corrected him

"Better than being at the wrong pole" Morgana informed Clara

"No. This is impressive." He pointed at Clara "This is annoying. The Tardis never does this. This is huge! Well, not literally huge. Slightly smaller than usual. Which is huge."

"Yes. I get it. You're excited. When can I go home?" Clara questioned him fed up.

DOCTOR: Your house isn't going anywhere. And neither is ours until I get this figured out. Could you not just let me enjoy this moment of not knowing something? I mean, it happens so rarely. Look, I don't think this is dangerous, but I wouldn't like you to get squished accidentally. Anyway, I need you to help me find out what's caused this." The Doctor told Clara

"You've probably broken a wire" Morgana told him

"Can we at least, pretend for a little while that I didn't?" The Doctor requested

"Fine. I'll go take a look around." Clara walked away past the train shed while The Doctor and Morgana squeezed their way back in through the TARDIS doors.

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