00| Winter Solstice

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Baylee stuck to Annabeth as Chiron led the campers to Olympus.

"Do you think I can ask Lord Poseidon about my mom?" The 10 and a half year old asked

The daughter of Athena shrugged, "I don't know. We might not be able to interact with our parents." She told her friend

Baylee looked down. Unlike the other campers, she didn't know anything about her mortal parent.

She has been raised at camp since she was 6 1/2 months old. Chiron said Poseidon had personally brought her to camp.

She was pretty sure the only reason Poseidon claimed her when she first arrived at camp, was because it would be cruel to raise a baby without knowing who at least one parent was.

Chiron had also told her that after Poseidon claimed her, it rained inside inside the camp for several days straight.

Her very existence angered the God of the Gods.

Currently, those who were at Camp Half Blood for the Winter Solstice were on a field trip to the Empire State Building where Olympus was on the 600th floor.

"Welcome to Olympus." Chiron announced and the doors opened

Chiron led the campers to the throne room where the Gods and Goddesses were.

Baylee tugged on Annabeth's arm, "Look!" She whispered loudly

Her whisper drew Poseidon's attention, "Land Pearl!" He said loudly

He went to walk over to her but Zeus grabbed his arm, "Restrain yourself, brother." The God of the Gods commanded

Poseidon shrugged his brother off, "Do not tell me what to do."

Baylee tuned out whatever Zeus was saying in favor of looking around the throne room.

She must have been distracted for longer than she realized as it was her father that called her name.

"Baylee, my Land Pearl." Poseidon smiled

Baylee looked around her and saw that everyone had cleared the room. She looked at her father again and bowed, "Dad."

Poseidon hurried over to her, now mortal sized and brought her up from her bow to hug her.

Baylee was stunned. She knew that the Gods and Goddesses weren't supposed to interact with their children, especially ones born of broken oaths, but here her father was hugging her.

"I... I want-" Baylee trailed off trying to find the words, "Will you tell me about my mother?" She asked

Poseidon sighed, "I suppose I owe you that much."

Baylee waited as her father collected his thoughts.

"Your mother was a woman named Lily Potter. She was a witch, as you know Hecate created a magical world where the users are known as witches and wizards. Lily was married to James Potter and they had a son named Harry, who is 8 months and 4 days older than you." Poseidon explained

Baylee's eyes widen, "Mom's a witch? She cheated on her husband?" She asked

"Yes, she's a witch. No, she didn't cheat on James." The God of the Sea answered and then looked down at the floor, "You were never supposed to be born. Apollo foretold of a girl born from one of the Gods, she would be able to turn the tide and help both my eldest demigod son and the Boy Who Lived."

You were never supposed to be born.

Those words felt like a punch to the gut.

While she knew that she wasn't supposed to be born, that her father had broken his oath, hearing him say it was horrible.

"Another boy and Harry were both born at the end of July. That was what the prophecy referred to, 'A boy born at the end of July.' A dark wizard, Tom Marvolo Riddle, Lord Voldemort as he chose to be called, killed countless others before he killed Lily and James. He tried to kill Harry and by default you, but he failed. Harry is known as the Boy Who Lived. When you turn 11, you'll get a letter inviting you to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and you'll spend 7 years there learning to control your magic."

This was all too much.

Baylee felt her eyes well up, "Anything else?" She asked

Poseidon hesitated, "Percy Jackson is my eldest and only demigod son, the one you'll help win the war. He's a year and 7 months older than you."

Two brothers she was supposed to help win their wars.

Baylee backed away from her father, "Thank you for telling me, Father, but I think I hear Chiron calling me."

Poseidon reached out, "Baylee, I do love you. You were not just born to fulfill a prophecy." He stated

The child of not even 11 gave him a look of disbelief, "Wasn't I?" She asked

She didn't give the God of The Sea a chance to answer. Instead she ran to rejoin the other campers.

"Are you okay?" Annabeth asked

Baylee shook her head, "I don't know."


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