Part 15: Boss Battle

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No. No! No! Kalypso yelled then she looked at the building Hespera was on outside the dome

She flew over and started talking with her sister

Then kalypso made the dragon shoot fire at the dome

Then me and Billy heard a car honking we looked at the parking lot outside of the dome and saw a yellow van that was Rosa and victor

Me and Billy flew down to the ground and over to the dome

They got out the van

Billy! Tanner! Rosa yelled and ran over to the dome wall

Get out of there. Victor said

We can't. Billy said

Billy. Tanner. Rosa said and touched the dome

We have to do this. Billy said and Freddy and Anthea ran over

Anthea. I said and she touched the dome

I can't lose you too. She said

It's okay, Anne. I said and put my hand on the dome

No, this could kill you forever, there's no coming back if you do this. She said

I know. I said then walked over to Freddy

Do something for me. I said

Like what? Freddy asked

In my apartment there is a nightstand in my room go in the top drawer and you will find a small black box, give it to Mary for me, tell her that I said I'm sorry and that I love her. I said

Yeah, okay. He said

Thanks, bro. I said and walked over to Billy

You were gonna propose to Mary? He asked as we walked

Yeah, but now I won't get the chance. I said

My life is tied to the staff so when it's destroyed so am I. I said

We walked back into the field and kalypso and the dragon was looking at us

We end this now. Kalypso said from where she was

Yeah. We do. Billy said and me and him shot the top of the dome with lightning and it bounced off the dome multiple times and started to hit the staff

We started to fly and I kept hitting the dome with lightning

Then we charged at each other and me and Billy were hit with the dragon's tail and Billy dropped the staff and I got stuff in the ground

You go for the dragon, I got the staff. I said and I flew towards the staff and I grabbed it


The lighting in the done charged up so we could finish off the dragon and tree

You ready? I asked Billy and he held the staff in the middle of us and I put a hand on it too

Always. He said and we flew towards the dragon who was in front of the tree

He shot fire towards us and we fought through the fire and our suits started burning but we kept fighting

We then flew under the flams and flew towards the dragon and we stabbed it in the stomach with the staff

Shazam! Me and Billy yelled and the staff was hit with a powerful lightning strike making the staff blow up and it destroyed everything in the dome

I fell on the ground and I looked at my hands and saw my hands start to turn to ash

I love you Mary. I said and my whole body turned to ash as I died

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