Chapter Five

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Lucas's POV

"We will have somebody come and visit your farm in the morning and perhaps we can repair the well and save your field," Queen Clarisse said with a smile to a citizen and he smiled, handing me a basket, "This for your table." I grabbed it and smiled, "Thank you." I handed the basket to a guard and he took it.

Mia smiled and handed a glass of water to Clarisse, "They just adore you." I smiled, "It's part of an ancient Genovian tradition. One has to be fair and very honest. Even if you can't help, you have to show the people you care." Clarisse smiled, "That's why the citizens were so excited to see that you two were getting married, they firmly believe that Lucas and yourself will do excellent." 

"Citizen Jacqueline Grenault," Charlotte announced. Jacqueline curtsied and then giggled and blushed looking at me. Clarisse smirked slightly and then smiled at her, "We will review your scholarship application and someone will be in touch with you no later than the end of next week." Jacqueline smiled, "Oh, merci, Your Majesty. Here is a melon for your table," She handed it to me, almost making sure that our hands touch and she giggled. I shook my head with a smile and heard a small scoff coming from Mia. I turned to look and she was pouting.

"Citizen Tiny Dival," Charlotte announced and Tiny bowed his head, "Hello, Your Majesty." Clarisse smiled, "Bonjour, Tiny. May I present my granddaughter and her fiance, Princess Mia, and Lord Lucas." 

Tiny smiled, "Princess Mia and Lord Lucas, thank you for seeing me today. Something for your table." Tiny held out a basket and Mia smiled, "Thank you." A butler grabbed it and Tiny smiled, "She's my favorite. I hope you like omelets." Mia stopped and looked confused before gesturing to the basket, "May I?" Tiny nodded, "Of course."

Mia flipped the blanket to show a chicken I went wide-eyed, "It's a chicken." Mia picked the chicken up, only for it to get loose. I tried to stop Mia, but she got out of my grasp and started chasing the chicken. I could see Mabrey laughing and nudged Las to join in. Las looked at me and started fake laughing, not wanting to join in, but playing along for his uncle's sake. Fern was standing off to the side, watching in horror as Mia chased the chicken.

Clarisse calmly grabbed Mia's back of her suit as she ran towards us and whispered, "Uh, Mia?" Mia stopped, "Yeah?" I whispered, leaning into the conversation, "A Princess never chases a chicken." 


Mia's POV

Dear Diary, 

Tomorrow my stress level goes to eleven as I review the royal guard. The whole court will be watching, plus the troops and I'm wearing a floor-length dress. I also have to be ladylike while riding sidesaddle. Ha!" 

Grandma was able to kick Lucas out of the room as he tried to stay and cuddle me, "Out! You can be affectionate later! Now." I interrupted her as we sat on the couch, "I can't ride sidesaddle." Grandma smiled, "I couldn't ride sidesaddle either when I was your age. Frankly, dear, it is acutely uncomfortable. Herbie is my riding companion. Here he is!" 

One of Grandma's ladies' maids handed her a package and I tilted my head confused, pulling out a wooden leg, looking impressed, "It's a wooden leg. That is impressively sneaky Grandma. Did you come up with this on your own?" Grandma shook her head, "Oh, no! It's a centuries-old idea."


The Next Day, Lucas's POV

I stood beside Fern, Andrew, Lilly, Micheal, and Las as Mia was reviewing the royal guard. "Hear ye, hear ye! Princess Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi reviews the royal guard of Genovia," The majordomo announces. 

Las held out his hand for Andrew to shake, "I'm Nick, Viscount Mabrey's nephew." Andrew nods and shakes his hand, "Aha, the chap who's trying to stage the palace coup. I'm Andrew Jacoby. Nice to meet you." Lilly and Micheal held out their hands at the same time and spoke in unison, "Lilly and Micheal Moscovitz, official best friends of the future King and Queen. We don't like you." 

I snorted and snickered at the look of bafflement on Las's face and he clears his throat, "Pleasure." Fern ignores Nicholas and I sigh, whispering to Las, "You need to tell her the truth. That you aren't after the crown anymore. That you are around to be with her." Las sighed, "She's set on Andrew, what can I do?" I sighed, "I'm not sure." 

I watch as the ceremony starts and then Mia's horse, Sandy, starts acting weird. I go to help Mia, but Sebastian holds me back. I watch in horror as Joe accidentally takes off the wooden leg to help Mia with the sidesaddle and I groaned, watching her ride off quickly as everyone laughs. 

I glare at Mabrey as he cackles and Joe has to hold me back from decking him in the face. "Go to her, help her," Joe said and I ran off in the direction she rode off to, with Nicholas hot on my heels. "Luca, I swear I had nothing to do with this!" I heard Las say as we ran and I nodded, "I know. It's your uncle!" 

I got into the storage building to find Mia crying, "Oh, Mignonette." Mia sniffled and didn't look at me. I sat beside her and hugged her close to me, "I know. I know." Nicholas walked in cautiously, "Princess, you shouldn't hide. It only makes the gossip more." I give him a deadpan look, man, I love my best friend, but he's so dense sometimes.

Mia whips her tears, "What do you want?" Las sighed, "Princess, please I had nothing to do with what just transpired. I do not want your crown. I am Luca's best friend and I wouldn't betray him like that. I'm still here because I want to know Lavender more." Mia scoffed and pushed me away, "So he's not around for the crown anymore and you didn't tell me? I don't believe you. Either of you. Just go away. Both of you get away from me." 

I frowned, "Mia, please." Joe walks in and I sigh, knowing that I need to do what she asks me, "You need space, I get it." I walked outside and saw Clarisse. "Lucas, is she okay?" Clarisse asked and I scoffed, "She's upset, I know. I told her that Las isn't against us anymore and just wants to know Fern, now. She's pissed at me for not telling her. I didn't tell her because I didn't want us to be off our guard for anything Mabrey tries to do." Clarisse sighs, "I'm sorry that this is happening. Just let me-" I cut her off, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, but I'm going back to my room to continue reading my studies. I'm giving Mia some space for now." 

I walk off, ignoring Clarisse's calls for me to come back.


Mia's POV

After my pity party, I immediately felt guilty for my attitude toward Lucas and Nicholas. I apologized to Nicholas for my harsh words and realized that he was telling the truth. He was in love with Fern and I snapped at my fiance for no reason. Tomorrow was the garden party and I was going to apologize to Lucas about everything, only to remember that that's the same day that he's going to his parent's grave to visit. After the garden party, I will find him and apologize, I also found out that Micheal also went with Lucas.


Lucas's POV

Micheal and I walked up to Clarisse and Joe as I saw a soaked Fern, "What did we miss?" Fern walked passed us and Andrew called out to her, "I'll be two seconds, Fern," Then looked at me, "She's going to be a handful, isn't she?" The Queen sighs, "You'll never be bored, Andrew." 

We went to follow Andrew and Fern as Mia pulled me back and shooed everyone else off. I sighed, "How can I help you, Mia?" Mia teared up, "I'm so sorry for my attitude. I apologized to Nicholas already and found out that it was the truth. He loves Fern and doesn't want the crown. He's going to tell his uncle. I'm so sorry, Luc." I smiled and hugged her close, "It's okay. I wanted to give you space before talking to you again. I know that the review was emotional for you." Mia sniffled, "Are we still getting married?" I chuckled, "If you thought that yesterday was going to make me change my mind about marrying ou. You're crazy. Let's go cuddle before bed. We have the parade tomorrow." 

Mia smiled and kissed my cheek as we walked back into the palace to keep each other company. 

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