Chapter Two

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^^^ Haidy Moussa as Nefertiti

The Next Morning, Lucas's POV

I sat in the room with Mia while she was petting Fat Louie. I sat on a loveseat, reading a book about foreign political affairs, just to touch up my knowledge. I looked up to see some maids giggling at me and I rolled my eyes with a smile. 

Mia smiled and turned off the TV, "Hi, how's it going? So sorry. I thought it was just Lucas and me." One maid smiled and curtsied, "No, miss. I'm Brigitte, if it pleases you and his lordship, at your service." The other maid curtsied as well, "And I'm Brigitta." Mia smiled, "Brigitte and Brigitta? I'm Mia, and, please, don't curtsy like that." I chuckled as the two started bowing or curtsying in different ways. Mia stammered, "No, no, no. I didn't mean like, you know this..." 

I started laughing harder as they continued and Charlotte and Mariuce came in, Clarisse's pooch ran over to me and started cuddling. "The Queen bids you and your fiance good morning, Princess. I hope that Lucas stayed in another room last night." Charlotte glared at me and I raised my hands in defense, "I certainly did. Don't worry about it." 

Charlotte smiled, "Good, The Queen is in session with Parliament." Mia nodded, "Okay." Charlotte smiled, "I see you've met your lady's maids. Ever since they were hired, they've had quite the affection for Lucas." Mia rolled her eyes with a smile, "I'm starting to see everyone has that with Luc," Mia whispers to Charlotte, "How do you turn off the curtsies?" 

Charlotte laughs and turns to the twins, "Enough bowing. Back to your chores," The maids left and Charlotte turned back to Mia, "Her Majesty will meet you both in one hour at the throne room. I'm sorry your suite isn't ready yet, but you're welcome to stay here in Her Majesty's suite." Mia shook her head as she made tea, "No, no, no. It's fine! Thank you. I'm just counting the days that I can stay with Lucas. Hey, can I explore the palace a little bit?" I looked up and frowned, "Why can't I come with?" Mia giggled, "Because you won't be able to keep your hands off of me." Charlotte laughs as I pouted, "Fine, I'll take my book and sit in the throne room waiting on you both. Have fun, Indiana Jones." Mia and Charlotte giggle as I pout, walking out of Mia's room.

--------------------One Hour Later------------------------

I closed my book and stood up to bow to Queen Clarisse and she waves me off, "Don't my son. I've told you before. You're family. Now where is-" Mia came stomping into the room and growled. I raised an eyebrow, "Didn't like your adventure, Indy?" Mia looked at Clarisse, "Are they serious?! How can they expect Lucas and I to plan a wedding in thirty days?" 

I nodded, "Parliament is still on the stick about "Princesses have to marry to be eligible for the throne?" Clarisse nodded, "Yes. If you two don't get married in a month's time, Lord Devereaux will assume the throne. There was quite an argument that you should take it, but due to his snake of an uncle, he says that it would still stay in Mia's hands since you two are getting married." 

Mia groaned, "It's a big trick. I want to have the perfect wedding and take my time! I don't want to rush this!" I frowned, "Mia, you don't have to rush this. You don't have to be queen." Mia sighed and looked at us, "There are five hundred and fifty years of Renaldis on these walls, and I will be up there next to my father. I'm sure I want my chance to make a difference as a ruler. With My King by my side." 

Clarisse smiled, "Spoken as a true Queen and a loving wife. Now with that out of the way, we need to get Nefertiti a loving man. She's wanting love like you guys and will do anything to achieve that. I told her not to rush it, but apparently, she's dedicated. Just like her cousin. Lucas, Mia. Get dressed and meet us at the entrance. Make sure Nefertiti is there as well. I want her with you guys." 

I smiled and nodded, "Yes! Cousin! I love you!" Mia and Clarisse giggled as I ran out of the throne room to let Fern know.


I stood in the entranceway as Mia fixed her hair in the mirror as Fern smoothed her skirt out, "I think you both look lovely." Fern giggled, "Mucas, you have to say that. I'm your cousin and MiMi is your fiance." I rolled my eyes with a smile, "I wish you'd stop calling me Mucas." Mia smirked, "I like it." 

Clarisse walked into the room, "The viscount is not staying. Just the nephew. Lucas will be excited about that. Joseph, I want you to protect him and keep your eye on him at all times." Mia smiled, "Hello. Is this alright for Fern and me to welcome the viscount and his nephew?" Clarisse smiled, "Very appropriate and pretty. Fern, you look absolutely gorgeous." Fern fixes her hair after Mia was done and groaned, "Oh, I can't believe that Parliament invited the guy who's trying to steal the throne from you guys to stay here with us at the palace." Clarisse smiled, "Oh, no. Parliament didn't invite him. I did." 

Mia looked at her grandmother in shock, "What?" Joe smiled, "I offered to have him hung up by his toes in our courtyard." Mia and Fern nodded and spoke together, "Yeah, what about Joe's suggestion?" I shivered, "You two need to stop spending time together. It's spooky." Clarisse shook her head, "No if there's any mischief going on, I'd prefer it be right under my nose. Besides, the nephew won't be too much trouble. He's Lucas's friend." I smiled, "I trust him." Fern rolled her eyes, "Some friend you have. Trying to take your and your fiance's throne."

 Fern paces, "I just don't want to be nice to this guy. MiMi and Mucas shouldn't have to suffer. It's their throne! He's rude, he's arrogant and self-centered, he's..." Clarisse looked at me confused and then at Fern, "Have you met him?" Fern stops, "" Clarisse sighed, "Well, neither have I." 

Mia groaned, "Well, he probably is, Grandma. I mean, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, he wants to be the king of Genovia? Isn't that Lucas's throne if I don't want it?" Clarisse waved her hands, "Oh, tush. Whatever he is, we will be charm itself. We will all present ourselves with grace and poise." 

The majordomo announced, "Announcing Viscount Mabrey and Lord Devereaux." I grinned as Las walked in and glanced at Fern's face, who was in complete shock. Mia had the same look and glared at me, knowing that I knew. "Your Majesty, Your Highness, My Lord and Lady." Clarisse deadpans, "Mabrey." Mabrey kisses the queen's hand and gestures to Las, "Ma'am, may I introduce my nephew, Lord Nicholas Devereaux." Clarisse held her hand out and Nicholas takes it, "Nicholas, we are delighted to make your acquaintance. I'm told that Lucas and yourself share a bond."

Las kisses her hand, "Your Majesty, the pleasure is all mine. You would be correct. Luca is like the brother I always wanted. He's a wonderful friend and thank you so much for inviting me to stay at the palace." Clarisse smiled, "May I present my granddaughter, Mia, and my grandson-in-law's cousin, Nefertiti." 

Mia fakely smiled as Las kisses the back of her hand, but Fern smirked and walked forward, "Lord Nicholas." Fern stomps on his foot and stomps off with Mia and everyone gasps. "I will personally get some ice for that foot. Lucas, could you please keep Lord Nicholas company?" Clarisse exclaimed as she ran off to find Mia and Fern. 

I smirked as Las sat down, "I..uhh.. see that my cousin made an impression on you......On your shoe actually." Las chuckled with sarcasm, "Lady Nefertiti has the same spirit you do." I smiled, "It's the Whitlock genes." Mabrey comes stomping in, "I can not believe her. How dare she do that." I narrowed my eyes, "Viscount Mabrey, I am going to ask you to not vocalize your thoughts about my cousin or Elsie Kentworthy will have something to definitely say. Cause I'll broadcast myself kicking your ass." 

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