Chapter Seven

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Lucas's POV

I groaned as I rolled over on my side, "No more junk food." Micheal groaned too, "I second that." Las got up and groaned, "I got to go. I'm telling Uncle that I love Nefertiti Lavender Whitlock. I'm done with his plan." I cheered weakly, "Yeah! Have fun!" Nicholas left and Micheal got up, "Welp. We ate too much and fooled around too much." I nodded, "We got to get freshened up." 

Later we were watching Mia practice more arrows and I saw Nicholas and smiled, "Let's take a break, everyone. Andrew we should have tea with your parents, I would love to continue talking to them. We all left and Fern stayed behind to talk with Nicholas. 

------------That Night--------------

I sat in my room that night thinking about there is only two and a half days until the wedding and jumped when I heard a crash against my window. I looked up to see Fern smiling sheepishly, sneaking out. I raised an eyebrow with a smile and opened the window, looking down at the ground to see Las, "SO I see that you are sneaking out." Fern sighed, "Please don't say anything." I smiled, "I saw nothing. Come to me in the morning and we'll talk about it." Fern nodded and continued to climb down and I watched them, whispering to them, "Be careful! Glad to see you two together finally!" 

--------------------------------------The Next Morning------------------------------------------

I woke up with a startle as Fern jumped into my bed with tears, "What happened?!" Fern sniffled, "He played me. I'm a laughing stock. I've disgraced the Whitlock name." I rolled my eyes and hugged my cousin close, "You have done no such thing. Fern, he wasn't playing you. I promise. It was his dreadful uncle." Fern looked at me, "How do you know?" I sighed, "Fern, Las told me weeks ago that he loved you and was going to tell his uncle that he was done doing his dirty work. I wouldn't lie to you about that." Clarisse, Lilly, and Mia came running in and turned my TV on. 

"And here's the royal exclusive I promised. After generations of boring royals, lords, and ladies who never misbehaved, Genovia finally has a world-class scandal, proving that we should have brought Nefertiti Whitlock to the light long ago. Will Andrew Jacoby, Duke of Kenilworth, still court such a naughty, naughty lady? It's out of the frying pan and into the fire for Lady Nefertiti. Keep your eggs Sunnyside up," Elsie said with a smile and Fern cried into my shoulder. 

Lilly growled, "I'd like to tell her what she can do with her eggs." Clarisse sighed, "Lilly. Could we please have a moment alone?" Lilly nodded, "Yes." Lilly left with Charlotte who came in after the trio and I continued to hold onto Fern.

Clarisse looked at Fern sadly, "So?" Fern sniffled, "I got played. Mabrey used his nephew to make our family look bad. MiMi, is it true what Lucas said?" Mia smiled and nodded, "I asked him myself. He loves you. He doesn't want the crown anymore. He only did it because he thought his father wanted it for him." 

I sighed, "Fern, talk it over with Andrew. If you want to continue to be with Andrew, then it will be so, but if you want to call it off and be with Las. Andrew will not be upset. You two need to find love on your own." Fern nodded, "I'm going to get changed and talk to Andrew."

Later, I stood by the window with Lilly, watching Fern and Andrew talk it over. Charlotte came over and whispered, "The Queen would not approve of spying." I smiled as I saw Fern give the promise ring back. It seems that Andrew didn't have a problem. I know they made the right choice. Lilly and I gave them their privacy as they talked with a smile like they'd always been best friends. 

----------------------------The Next Morning-----------------------------------------

I woke up to see Micheal standing above me with a smirk, "Oh god. What do you want?" Micheal grinned wider, "Wakey wakey, the future king. It's your wedding day." I smiled and jumped up out of bed, "I can't wait!" Micheal laughed as I jumped and tried to wrestle out of Mia's stepfather, Patrick's, grip. "There's my son-in-law!" Patrick said as he started to playfully punch me. I laughed and shoved them out of my suite, "Out! I need to look beautiful for my wife!" Micheal yelled through the door, "You lovesick simp!" 

I stuck my tongue out towards the door. Maybe I am lovesick, but everything will go right today. 

I just know it. 

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