N/A: Agnes Brown(e)

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OCCUPATION: Produce stand vendor/ restaurant owner
BORN: 1 September 1868
BIRTHPLACE: West Ireland
Species: Irish Domestic
Color: Orange
SPOUSE(S): Nicolas George (Redser) Browne
Mark Harold Browne
Rory Browne
Dermot Browne
Cathy Browne
Trevor Browne

Agnes Loretta Brown(e) is an Irish stall owner, who sells fruit and vegetables from her stall. She is also co-owner of a restaurant that her Daughter and Som-in-law bought for their family to support themselves.

Agnes is the undisputed head of the family following the death of her husband some years ago. She has 6 sons and a daughter and their relationships are quite volatile.

Agnes loves the clan very dearly, and always does what she feels is best for them, but often manages to put her foot in it. She swears too much and winds up her children, particularly her only daughter, Cathy. She involves herself in their business, such as Cathy's love life, after she became a widow. She spars at first with Mark's wife, Roberta, but she grows close. She only ever wants what is best for her children, and supports them through everything, even when her granddaughter Francis performs cabaret. She would do anything for any child and she cares for them all equally and has a hilarious and hateful yet slightly caring relationship with her in her words useless father-in-law, Harold.

Agnes loves all her children and grandchildren, but sometimes has problems with her recently widowed daughter, Cathy. This is most likely because she is rapidly approaching middle age and still hasn't found the right man, and dates men that Agnes doesn't approve of.

She was never fond of her late son-in-law Fraîcheur in the past and never addressed him by his name just Franky. She was livid when she heard he impregnated Cathy and they got married with no wedding. Still, she warmed up to him when he offered to help with the family's finances. Though she prefers to call it a dowry. Her respect and suspicions grew when he helped them move to America and established a restaurant to help them get started. She also blames him for making her neighbors with Nina. Then when he passes she was so sad for her daughter for she knows what it was like when Redser died.

She is frenemies with her daughter-in-law, Roberta, the wife of her son, Mark.

She dislikes her neighbor, Nina McMurry, the mother of Calvin (Freckle) Francis childhood playmate. Agnes is more brash than Nina and is more skeptical of certain passages. However, sometimes this dislike subsides for whatever reason.

Despite her quarrel with Nina, she has no dislike for her son Calvin. Now she can see that the boy has more backbone than he lets on. Still, she finds him to be a better companion for her granddaughter than his cousin Rocky. Now Agnes is picky about who her children fraternize with. While aware that Francis considers Rocky a good friend Agnes is not fond of how much trouble he causes especially when he blocks her car.

Now as for Ivy Pepper Agnes doesn't hate her she just doesn't like what she does for a living. Of course, that could be due to confusion since Agnes keeps confusing a slapper with a flapper. Which leads her to believe Ivy is involved with sex work. Hopefully, Cathy and Francis can get her to understand that the two are not the same.

She dislikes her father-in-law, Harold Brown(e), giving him the nickname "The man that God forgot", but is known simply as Grandad. Agnes is his full-time carer. She is not cruel, but won't be heartbroken when he passes away. But despite that, he has respect for him as he was there whenever the family needed him, especially Cathy. Course Agnes is still upset that he gave Cathy money for college behind her back.

Mrs. Brown is a well-loved person who enjoys meddling in other people's lives, especially their love lives despite having none of her own. Her children love her, however, she sometimes gets on their nerves by not understanding things properly. She is rude at times but will do anything to help her family and friends, and will irritate anyone who she believes is a threat to her family's well-being. Despite her introduction, in the sitcom, Agnes is quite warm and friendly right from the beginning

Mrs. Brown has a habit of mispronouncing words which Cathy or Francis will correct for her.

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