Late night drive...

997 16 33

(This chapter might be triggering to some people, but I wanted to make a really sad one so yeah)

Nick's perspective:

Its the last weak of summer break, and I really wanna do something with Charlie. I decide to text him and ask him if he's up to doing anything.

Nick❤️: Hi x

Charlie❤️: hiii xxx

Nick❤️: wanna go for a drive?

Charlie❤️: you miss me or smt? :p

Nick❤️: maybeee....

Charlie❤️: pick me up in 10?

Nick❤️: okay. love you xx

Charlie❤️: love you too xxxx

I go downstairs and put on my shoes.

"Gonna go for a drive with Charlie"

"Okay nicky, be home by 10:30!!"

"Okay mum, love you, bye"

I walk out of the door and over to my car. I get in and start driving to Charlie's house.
As I get there he is standing there waving at me. I smile to myself. He looks so cute.

"Can I drive?" he asks "I need to practice before my drivers test"

"but-" he stops me

"I promise I won't wreck your car" he says

"Fine, but then I choose music today"


as I get out of the car he pushes me against it and kiss me.

"I dont know what that was for, but I liked it" I say

Charlie's perspective:

Me and nick get into the car and I slowly turn the key around and start driving.

To be honest I'm only getting my license so I can visit ick at university a lot more next year, cause I really like when he drives so I won't really use it + I don't have a car.

"Any specific reason you wanted to go for a drive at 9pm'?"

"No, not really. I was just bored, and I missed you"

I feel my cheeks turn red. Even tho it's been about 2 years of dating I still get butterflies in my stomach when he flirts with me.
I don think I'll ever not get them to be honest.

We drive for about 30 minutes more before I hear nick yell "WATCH OUT" and everything goes black.

*later that day*

I open my eyes to see doctors stand around me. I look around and...I- I'm in an ambulance?

"Wha- what happened?" I ask

"You and your friend was in a car crash, we are taking you to the hospital" a doctor says

Then it hits me. Nick.

"Where- where is nick? I- is he okay? please tell me he is okay"

"Im sorry I don't know, I didn't see him, I was focused on you" she says


After about 10 minutes we reach the hospital. I get cheked and I only have a small concussion and a broken wrist.
To be honest the only thing I'm concerned about is nick.

"Excuse me, nurse" i say

"Hi, Can i help you?" She smiles at me

"Yeah, Uhmm my boyfriend is here somewhere and i would really like to go see him"

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