meeting the chief and air bender family part 2

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3rd pov

Silence was thing that was there, no dared utter a word after what they saw, only you can probably hear is a fly taking a major shit right now after taco Tuesday. The ones that is still in shock is korra, tenzin, and Lin. They was thinking the same thing

Lin mind: oh my God he stuck man head up another man ass

Tenzin mind: oh my God he stuck man head up another man ass

korra mind: oh my God he stuck man head up another man ass

As they was contemplating on what just happen, y/n however was looking at the 3 with a confuse look, so he decided to break them out their trance what clapping in their face

Y/n: uhhh hello can you answer my question

Snapping out of her train of thought and regain her composure  she looked up and spoke

Lin: uhh yes, you come with me, I a few questions I would like to ask you

Just then korra and surprisingly tenzin and ask the same question

Tenzin, korra: can we come too

Lin look at the both with arch eyebrow

Lin: I can understand why korra wants to come but why you tenzin this is out of the blue for you

Tenzin: I know it does but something is tell me I need to be around him and to also help him, and beside you of all people should know I don't do things without reason

Lin thought for a moment, then realized he is right, she sigh and told them to come along but quiet while she talk to him.

After they left the cells they went back to the interrogation room with y/n in total. As Lin and y/n sat down,  Lin started to ask the questions

Y/n pov

Lin: so I have that I need you to answer so I can, we can get a better understanding on what is going on

Y/n: that fine and but is the handcuffs really necessary, it's not like I'm gonna go anywhere

Just then I snapped the handcuffs of my wrist ease without even struggling. When I looked up I see them with a shock look, like I did something that was supposed to Impossible, Lin then ask me question with a shock look on her face

Lin:*shock* how did you do that!?!?

Y/n: I just pull my hands apart

Lin: are you a earth bender?

Y/n: a what now? Look I don't know what that is but can guess the actual question you want to ask, to save you the trouble,  my name is y/n l/n I'm from another dimension

Lin tenzin and korra was standing there dumbfounded on what they heard, I can't blame them because if I was in their shoes I would react the same way, but before they could ask anything  else I continue

Y/n: and to answer the question that magically popped up in your head, in other words I'm from a different universe but it's a little more then that but let just say I'm alien raise on earth from another dimension

Now I can see that a look 'what the fuck you men' looks like it's gonna be a long day explaining this but before I did Lin ask me what I am

Lin: if you not from earth or in your case our earth then what are you exactly

Then tenzin spoke up for the first time since he been in here I had the impression he would've said something first because he look like the curious geroge type guy

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