meeting the cheif and air bender family part 1

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3rd person pov

After getting put in the back with korra heading to the station the put you in a cell and korra in a interrogation room, meanwhile while you in the cell, a couple of inmates came up to you with a funny look that didn't sit right with you, one was a big man with a tank top with some black pants and shoes with abald head covered in tattoos and the small one look like a naked mole rat

Big guy: well we'll well look what we have here, we got ourselves some free meat, and I must say he is looking kinda cute, don't you agree bob

The small one that is now name Bob look at me with a sick eating grin with a twitch answered and said

Bob: yea you right Mr. Lee, I think he gonna nice and tight wouldn't you agree boss

Mr. Lee: you are absolutely right I think it's time to break him in with a little game of ours( look at you) wanna play? It's call been that ass over

Y/N: I'm not interested in this little game, so I suggest you leave me alone before something happen to you

Both of them look at each and started to laugh like you telling then a world class joke

Mr. Lee: hahahaha oh man that was the funniest thing I ever heard, but I'll play along, what's gonna happen if we don't listen,  what are you gonna do

Y/N looked at him in a unamused look then then sigh and got up and said

Y/N: if you dont leave me alone his head(points at bob) is going up your ass

They both begin laugh again but a little but harder

Mr. Lee: wow you really are funny if you was in here you probably be comedian but enough talk it's time to show you who boss around here

They both sprinted towards y/n thinking they got the upper hand but oh how wrong they was

Korra pov

A few moments ago

Right now korra is standing in front of Lin Beifong chief of police along with tenzin the son of aang the previous Avatar and also son to Katara

Right now korra is standing in front of Lin Beifong chief of police along with tenzin the son of aang the previous Avatar and also son to Katara

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Lin: next time keep them on a leash, do you hear me tenzin

Tenzin: yes Lin I understand

Korra: jeez it's not my or the guys fault it's my first day here

Lin: that still doesn't excuse your destructive behavior,  I'm keeping an eye you, especially that other guy

Korra: *narrow eyes* what about him

Lin: well let's see, from what witnesses has said that he came through some type of portal of some sort and took down 3 people from the triple triad and one hit each without get any kind of damage to him in almost a instant, i mean you was there to see it all

Tenzin was shock hearing this so he looked at korra for confirmation

Tenzin: korra is this true

Before korra got to answer an officer came in and interrupt them saying

Officer: chief beifong

Lin: what is it, can you see we are in the mid-

Officer: but ma'am this is important I think you need yo see this, it's the person we brought with the avatar

Lin look at tenzin and korra and sigh

Lin: fine let's go, and see what's going on, ( looks at tenzin and korra) you two come with me

They both nodded and followed the officer with Lin, as they made itto the cell they saw something that shocked them in big way

Your pov

We cut back to y/n about to be attacked when he do this, before that let's recap


Lin, tenzin is trying to comprehend on what just happened. Y/N saw then and walked to as the prisoners moved out the way not wanting to get on his bad side, he walk up to them and said

Y/N: can I leave now or do I have to talked to you

Republic city it's about change in a way you never thought would happen

legend of korra ( saiyan male reader x harem)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora