Chapter 15

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Will immediately stopped.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!! You sick retarded fuck!!!"

Mandy lunged at Will , punching him hard on his head while Kaden called the cops. Will collapsed as soon as his head came in contact with Mandy's fist.

"I'm so, so sorry", Mandy said, her breath ragged as tears pooled her eyes. She rushed to my side, covering me with her coat. I hugged her tight, still shivering with the memories of the recent happenings stabbing me. Mandy kept apologizing till the cops showed up.

Will refused to get up even when the officers poured water on him. We all knew he was faking it, so they simply proceeded to grab his hands to cuff them. His eyes opened the minute he felt his hands get touched. He sprang up and began to come to me.

"Evie, Evie I'm sorry. It was all in a moment of sudden adrenaline, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I-"

"Please take him away", Mandy growled. She was getting angry, I could feel her heart beat fasten. "Evie, Please...", Will begged while an officer tried to cuff him once more. He broke free for a moment and quickly came to me, grabbing my arms. "Evie-"

My screams filled the room prompting Kaden to grab Will , who retaliated with kicks and was answered with strong and consistent punches. Will seemed to have gone mad, shouting, thrashing, and throwing his hands and legs everywhere, he didn't give up and carried on with his antics even after multiple officers tried to subdue him, till he was tased. My screams never stopped no matter how much I tried. The look of pure evil in Will's eyes refused to leave my mind. Eventually, the paramedics were called and I had to be sedated.

I woke up to a dimly lit room; throat parched and head throbbing with pain. "Mandy?", I croaked. No answer. I let my hand wander in search of a nurse call button just to give up after a while. I attempted to get out of the bed, only to find myself with an IV drip. I carefully got up and walked out of the room with it, the blaring bright lights hitting my eyes like daggers. I walked up to the receptionist who was talking on the phone. "Excuse me", I interrupted, "Can I make a call?". The receptionist looked at me for a while with a strange look in her eyes, before handing the landline to me. I quickly pressed the numbers and held the phone anxiously, hoping it would get picked up.

"Mandy, where are you", I cried, as soon as she picked up the phone. I heard her take in a sharp breath before speaking, "I-I thought you wouldn't want to see me, not after how I...I'd asked Kaden to look after you, was he not in your room?". "I need you, please", I begged, holding the phone tightly. "I'll be there", She quickly answered and cut the call. "Thank you", I whispered to the receptionist, before walking back to my room.

"I'm sorry, I had to get coffee", Kaden huffed, his face sweaty with a plastic bag in one hand and his phone in another. "It's fine", I replied.  "I thought you were going to sleep for a few more hours so I ran to the store, but I returned as soon as Amy texted, she was furious", He laughed, sitting down on the sofa, "I don't know what people usually drink after waking up from a 2 day pass out, so I just got you coffee and of course water in case-" . I hugged him tight. I'd misjudged him and tried to turn Amanda against him, but he was still here for me. I'd given him a cold shoulder more than often, whenever we met and  I regretted it all. I suddenly understood why Mandy was so in love with him.

"I'm so sorry for how I treated you Kaden, I misunderstood you and I can't ever forgive myself for it"

"It's fine, I understand. Amy told me everything and why you behaved the way you did and I won't blame you"

His sweetness and attitude towards our history made me want to get myself punched by Mike Tyson. How could I have been so blinded by my own personal rage that I refused to acknowledge him and what he had to offer.

I looked up to see Amanda walking in. "I got you your things, your phone, your glasses, spare clothes- Did I interrupt something?", She asked, staring at us. "Well, we were having an incest  moment", Kaden joked. Mandy rolled her eyes, "You should go home and get some rest". "Thanks", Kaden replied, pulling Amy for a kiss on her forehead. My heart fluttered with happiness when I saw them, and how happy he made her. "Drive safe, love you", Mandy said, looking at him as he walked out of the room. "Love you too", He replied, closing the door behind him.

She exhaled deeply before turning to me. I could see the regret and pain in her eyes as she reached for my hand. "I don't know where to begin, Evie", She sighed. I stayed silent. "Well..Will liked you for as long as I could remember, and somewhere in my mind, I made it up that you two would be good for each other, seeing how desperate he was for you.." . My breath hitched at the mention of my former friend. " He'd told me about his feelings but wanted to keep them hidden till he...well, felt ready. After you left the hospital and the news articles popped up about the footballers, I saw Will cry for the first time...I had made up my mind that you belonged to him and seeing him cry while you were with not one but two guys, it made me go off my handle and I did what I did, and I don't think I'll ever forgive myself".

I pursed my lips. "Did you know about the things he said about me at work? Or his attempt to-"

"The nonsense he spewed was unnecessary and I told him just that. It was uncalled for, especially if he truly loved you and after that, things began to look fishy. He stopped being himself and turned into a shell of his former persona", She paused, "He'd texted me that he was visiting you and I didn't want to risk anything so I got Kaden to come to your doorstep with me..nothing freaky, just to eavesdrop a bit to make sure everything was fine, but when we heard your screams....Kaden walked a few feet away before running towards it and breaking it down and when we saw you". Tears fell like raindrops as she began to shake, her emotions pouring out, "I'm so sorry.."

"Don't...Mandy, no matter what happened, if you and Kaden hadn't come in at the right time, I'd have died...either because of him or by suicide...but you came, you protected me, I forgive you, please don't cry".

We hugged hard, crying out all the negativity and misunderstandings that had built up in the past weeks.

"Oh! And", Mandy began, wiping her tears, "Just to give you a heads up, I used your phone to-"


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