Chapter 4

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"So, while I was knocked out on drugs, you were having the time of your life with some footballer?!"

I could sense the hostility in his tone and I couldn't exactly blame him.

"Look, it was Pedri Gonzalez, okay? I couldn't help myself!! Plus, it was he, who asked for my number", I replied, holding my head.

Will's never ending questions and sarcastic remarks hadn't stopped since I'd told him about my interaction with Pedri. His shoulders stiffened the moment I stepped into his room, smiling and all that, and I could see it was getting to his nerves.

"So what now? You're like, into him or something?", Will asked bluntly.

My eyebrows scrunched in irritation as I stared at him. He seemed unfazed. "So? What is it?", He kept prodding. "It's not like that, Will. You're making it out to be way bigger than it is and you know it", I huffed, "Why can't you just be happy for me? I just met someone I really admire and you need to ruin it for me with all....this".

"Admire? Evelyn, you-"

"I'm going to get some coffee", I said abruptly, getting up. I couldn't handle Will's bullshit anymore. It was unlike him. "Yeah, run from the situation, why don't you", He called after me, as I closed the door behind me. "What's got into him?", I thought.


I stopped my tracks. It sounded like someone was in pain.

I looked around. Not a soul was in sight. "Is anyone there?", I called out, holding my phone close to my chest. "C-can you get in here", someone said, his voice raspy, as though he was struggling to breathe. My feet followed the voice as I stepped into Room 408.

"Gavi", I whispered.

He was on the floor, wheezing from exhaustion. He must've been trying to get up by himself for some time. "You?", He whispered, his breath laboring. "I-i heard you calling so I-um came in to check". Droplets of sweat were covering his face, which was distorted in agony. I quickly placed my phone in my jacket pocket, before stepping near him.

 I looked at him before touching him, I'd flung a phone at him the first time we met, which wasn't exactly the best way to meet and greet new people.  I could see a bit of hesitation in his eyes, before he finally let me prop him up against the nightstand. His breathing was still shallow and he was sweating yet shivering, most likely due to having laid on the floor for so long. "Do you want water?", I asked, reaching for the bottle of water on the nightstand. He nodded, his eyes cast down, his body still not moving much except for moving up and down from breathing.  "Say Aahh", I instructed, opening the bottle cap. "What?", He asked, looking at me, confused. "Aahh", I replied, demonstration how to open the mouth wide. He continued to look at me weirdly, and then I remembered he wasn't a kid I was babysitting, making me duck my head in embarrassment.

"Sorry", I murmured, holding out the bottle to him. He gave me another weird look. "Look, I don't know how to do this thing, Okay? I've never had to help a grown person drink water", I stated. "Just...put it in my mouth", he said at last, sounding as though he was growing tired of me, and I couldn't exactly blame him for it. 

"Slow down, you're choking me", he spluttered, water spraying out of his mouth. Spraying everywhere on me. I opened my eyes and stared at him, once the water finally stopped. There was an uncomfortable silence. It felt comical, almost.

"I'm sorry", I said finally, "Let's get you on the bed, you're shivering". My brain wasn't working properly and it didn't cross my mind that I should be angry at the guy for literally spraying me with his mouth water.

I closed the distance between us and held my hands around his waist, carefully lifting him up. He refused to hold me so it made it harder for me to lift his body, because well, he's a footballer. A well built one at that.

After the fourth time of me trying to lift him up and not being able to move him, seeing as he used his hands as LITERAL anchors, I gave up. Huffing in exhaustion, I sat beside him. He was still shivering, and as much as I wanted to leave his ass freezing on the marble floor, I decided to pull the blanket, which was half on the bed still and cover him with it, making sure to get it under his calves and thighs as well. He had closed his eyes, his breathing finally a bit stable.

I decided to try and lift him up one more time.

"Listen, I need you to put your hands around my neck, okay? I know we didn't have the best introduction and I'm sorry for hitting you, but look, I'm trying to help".

He eyed me suspiciously. 'Why?".


"Why're you helping me?Like, you've got some secret agenda or something? Are you a journalist?"

'What- No! I felt bad seeing you on the floor, okay? Like any normal human, I wanted to help. You were wheezing I mean-". I stopped, noticing his face grow darker. I understood then, he was one of those people who didn't like being or feeling indebted to other people. 'I meant to say, you got injured because of me in the first place, so...I felt responsible". This lightened him a little.

I stood up, stretched a little before bending down. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I whispered, "Now, put your hands around my neck and I'll lift you, okay?". Taking in a sharp breath, I jerked him up, and surprisingly managed to get his butt on the bed. He seemed to finally be relaxed as well, because the moment he got seated on the bed, he crashed his torso on it. Carefully lifting his legs up as well, and positioning his body to be laid comfortably, I finally took a breath of relief.

Picking up the blanket, I shook it for dust, thanking God for not letting it get wet, before carefully spreading it over Gavi's figure. He was still sweating and shivering. "You want anything?", I asked, awkwardly stepping back slowly,  suddenly being all too aware of how there was nothing else to be done or said . "Tuck me in", He whispered; I could see it was as awkward for him as it was for me. I nodded before retracing my steps towards him,  only to slip on the water that he'd spouted out of his mouth earlier.

His lips felt hot, fuzzy and electrifying. I could feel his heart beating like a drum, and I was pretty sure he was feeling the mine the same. His dark eyes searched mine like I did his, neither of us understanding what was going on.


"I tried to stop them but they just barged in as soon as they spotted me, I'm sorry, I-"

Gavi and me, both turned to look at Pedri standing at the door, with reporters and journalists  behind him. Camera flashes grew more aggressive as I froze like a deer in headlights. Gavi pulled me to his chest, wrapping his arm around my head, hiding it. His chest felt hot and was barely moving from the shallow breathing, and possibly the kiss.

Kiss. I'd just kissed Pablo Gavi.

 I buried my face in his chest in embarrassment. "Get..get them out", He said weakly. I understood it was to Pedri, after I heard him calling for the security and helping them get the unwanted group of people, out of the room.

Gavi finally let go of me. I sat up, my hair disheveled.

"What in the Limbo Land was happening in here?"

𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 || 𝙋𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙤 𝙂𝙖𝙫𝙞Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin