Chapter 7

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His eyes burned into mine.

"You ditched me for this? Seriously?"

Pedri sighed before rolling out of the carpet. "You really need some anger management classes, you know that?", He stated, dusting himself, "You can't just go around knocking people for having a life outside you"

"Yeah, leaving the paparazzi on your best friend's tail is exactly what your outside life is, right?", Gavi replied sarcastically.

"Come on now, you know I couldn't just leave her alone after....after what happened"

Gavi rolled his eyes, plopping down on the bed.

"They barged into my room 15 minutes after you left. The groupies...journalists.."

The monotony in his tone told me he was disappointed. Pedri could sense it too.

"I didn't mean to do it", He said, sitting beside his friend. "It was a spur of the moment thing. We saw the groupies looking for me when we were returning from the cafeteria. She was with me, and you know how the media is...with the half info they had, they'd have written all sorts of baseless crap if they saw me with her right after you and her were uh...spotted together. Come on, forgive me, I'm sorry".

Gavi sighed heavily. "Get me pizza and maybe then I'll think about it"

"You can order it yourself", Pedri stated, sounding like a strict father. "Who said anything about ordering it? I want you to go to the restaurant by foot, order it, have it made fresh, wait for it and bring it to me". "You got me fucked up if you think I'll actually do it", Pedri snarled, knowing he'd be tailed by the public and media like hungry cats after a fat rat.  "Maybe you'll have to deal with me being like this for the rest of the year then", Gavi answered flatly. They were bickering like little boys and it was adorable to say the least. Pedri's eyes grew a hue darker whenever Gavi pulled his leg or said something even the slightest bit upsetting for their friendship.

"I just hope you know I hate you more than I hate Satan, as of right now", Pedri spat, taking out a hoodie and mask from the closet, "Let's go Evie".

"She's not leaving"

Pedri and I turned to see Gavi sitting up. "No, she's coming with me, she's not safe with you alone-"



The tension was rising between the guys.

"Why's she not safe with me, Pedri?". Gavi's words were piercing through his friend like sharp hot needles. "It's not like the paps will barge into a private room in a high end hotel with one of the best securities in the country, will they?", He teased, cocking his eyebrows, "Or is it something else you're worried about?"

"What're you talking about", Pedri uttered.

"Do you like this thing, Pedro?", Gavi asked. He was literally demeaning me down to a 'thing'.

I'm better than giving this piece of crap, the time of my day, I told myself.

"Shut up", Pedri said, before walking out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

The silence in the room that followed his departure physically hurt me. I was standing awkwardly by the bed, while Gavi plopped back on it, closing his eyes, shutting me out. I quietly padded to the divan, trying not to take notice of pair of eyes that were following me ; burning into my back.

 "Get back here"

I stopped.

"Are you deaf or something?"

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