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Author's pov

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Author's pov

Python drove his car to an abandoned cemetery yard.

Completing his ritual at exactly midnight, now he had to bury this body in under an hour because the location he chose for rituals was safer but outlying.

That's why he always chose to drive inside the jungle to reach his desired destination ASAP.

The more beautiful and lively the forest was in the day, the darker and denser it became at night but the man inside the car had nothing called 'Fear' in him.

As soon as he drove inside the cemetery he stopped his car beside an open grave that he dug last time when he came to bury number fourteen.

Throwing her lifeless body inside that grave he quickly filled it from the soil with the help of a shovel.

(Back to present)

Yoongi's pov

When I woke up in the morning I saw missed calls on my phone from an unknown number.

Rubbing my eye gently I called back on the number, turned out it was WooYoung, the manager of Charlie's illegal business.

WooYoung suggested we should meet somewhere but I preferred to keep this thing with him only on the phone. He sent me the details of all fifteen girls along with the details of their last locations.

The only common thing in all these girls was their pickup location, their customers' names were not mentioned in this list. They all were picked up by their customers from near their house.

All these girls were in their 20s, nearly 29 or 27 except the last one who was twenty and her name was Noah, She disappeared in the past two weeks, and her phone was also out of reach.

Jungkook told me to complete this mission before Christmas so for that I need the help of someone I trust the most, My brother and an intelligent cop Min Suho.

I called him and we decided to meet at Cafe Mizi which was not so far from my house.


Yoongi's pov

''It looks like a work of serial killing and, it's a deed of a single person, he is following the pattern of that killer who chopped numerous rich people and prostitute women in 2002,'' Suho said while keeping his focus on the laptop screen.

''So you are saying some maniac with a sadistic mindset is doing all this and he kidnapped all the girls? A single person?'' He nodded to my question.

Min Suho, My younger brother and a respectful inspector in South Korean police. After I left my job as an inspector the commissioner filled my position by placing him on it thinking he'd be as good as me because we are brothers, indeed he was intelligent but not as me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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