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Yoongi's pov

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Yoongi's pov

''Jungkook!'' I called his name because he was too busy to pay attention to who was standing beside his chair.

He turned and looked up at my face with his iconic bunny smile.

''Hey, Hyung! you came?'' He raised his brow surprised. ''I didn't expect you to visit here this soon.''

''You said it's urgent, I had to react quickly.'' He nodded at my response. ''So what's the rush?'' He looked at me again and then at the two men he was talking early.

''I think we should end our discussion right here, Thanks for the visit gentlemen hope to see you more here.'' He shook his hands with both well-built suited men and left the guest lounge with me.

He opened this luxurious pub two years back as the complimentary workplace for the business and political meet-ups of his father.

His father held a good position in South Korea's leading political party, a well-known politician with a super well-known son.

Jungkook not only owned this ornate, fancy pub but also had two palatial shopping complexes in the heart of Seoul and a deluxe resort on Jeju island.

Moving forward to his cabin in this pub he gave me the hint that something grim was coming my way.

''I have a work for you hyung.'' Entering the cabin I pulled the chair for myself ahead of his table and Jungkook approached his small bar section and took out a bottle of white wine along with two fancy wine glasses.

''White wine? it's night time dude bring something strong.''

''Naah, I want you to listen to my every word carefully. Charlie called me this morning.'' He sat on his huge padded chair and swirled it a bit.

Charlie, Jungkook's paternal side cousin, does every kind of illegal business all over the country.

''I am already saying no! I hate him.'' I snorted but he only giggled while pouring wine into my glass.

''Hyung, please listen to me first. This can help you trust me and he is not telling you to do anything illegal it's just...*sighed* his girls are disappearing day by day. You know it's the time of Christmas and New Year, and demands of girls have doubled in these two months but someone must be kidnapping his girls to sell them outside or force them to work under them and other girls are scared and refusing to work because of this.'' Charlie's business glows because of his prostitution quality. He not only had the most perfect-bodied girls but also paid and treated them well.

Rumours say some famous models are also active in his escorting thing.

''And how do I fit into all this?''

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