Little Sunny shimmers

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One day in Sunset's house. She wakes up from bed all grumpy and tired. She walks down stairs & and makes cereal's. As she was in the process of making it, she was interrupted by the phone ringing on her butt pocket.  She picks up the phone and answers it.

Sunset: " Hello?"

Apple Jack: " Good morning sunset!"

Sunset: " Go morning to you too....."

Apple Jack: I was just checking if you had anything plans..."

Sunset: " I don't think so....Why?"

Apple Jack : well....I was curious if you were interested in joining a club?"

Sunset: " A club?"

Apple Jack: Yep, because I think you should join in with me!"

Sunset: "why?"

Apple Jack: " Just think about how fun it will be....if you try it once's. It starts until 4 pm till 6 pm.... I won't be long. What do you say?!

Sunset: "Sure why not....I won't hurt...."

Apple Jack: " Ok, just do me a favor. Find some shirt that is bright and you don't usually wear in your dresser and find some  socks and after you do place them in your bag ok?

Sunset: " ok...sure?"

Apple Jack: Great! I'll pick you up at 3:50pm..."

As sunset hang up the phone, she was confused about what Apple Jack on the phone about the thing she has to bring. After breakfast. She went up stairs and look and see what she has. She found a Light yellow shirt she found at a yard sale that she got at a decent price. She doesn't normally wear it. But she thing is will do & throws it in her bag. Then she found a long pair of socks with pink strips all around it. She throw them in her bag.

Sunsets thoughts: "Why did she say find a t shirt & some socks? What kind of club is this a cloths club? Maybe at 3:50 I will find out...."


Sunset was waiting for AJ and when Aj arrived she got in the car with her and the went off.

Apple Jack: " Did you bring your things?"

Sunset: " Yep...."

Apple Jack: " Good! When we get to the club we're all be ready!"

Sunset: " Um Apple Jack....what kind of club is it?"

Apple Jack: " Sunset it something to relax your from stress and a safe space ...."

Sunset: " ok?"

As Sunsets was in the car, she was confused about the whole Club... a place of stress free & a safe Space?

As the car pulled over, It look like an old daycare for little kids. But I was refresh. She was a little weird out & confused. As the 2 got out of the car. She walk in & saw a lady walking up to the 2

Apple Jack: " Hi Daylight Care!"

Daylight Care: " Hi AJ! And this is your friend!"

Apple Jack: " Yep sure is!"

Daylight Care walked over to sunset as she tickled her chin.

Daylight Care: " What your name...?

Sunset: " Sunset Shimmers....?"

Daylight Care screams silence: Heeeeee!

Daylight Care: " Ain't you so adorable! Am so excited!"

Sunset was flattened and Weird out...

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