Saki was cold. So so cold. Where was Ace when she needed him? She hated the feeling of cold, wet, and dark places. It felt awful.

She couldn't change her clothes, either, unless she jumped over to her still intact boat. (Keep in mind, the only other clothes she has is her assassin get-up which is torn and bloody or another short kimono, exactly the same as the one she was wearing. She was not prepared for any sort of cold weather.)

She'd just dry naturally by the sun.

So, she rested on the beach next to Nami.

Nami stretches her arms, humming once she hears a satisfying crack. "This feels great! The Marines won't follow us here! We can really stretch out!" she sighs in delight, her new outfit really showing off her curves.

Chopper stops near Saki's feet and lays on his stomach, exhausted from playing so much.

Saki laughs and pats his head softly. "Are you alright, Chopper-chan?"

Chopper's head raises and a blush is clear on his furry cheeks. "Chopper-chan?" he repeats uncertainly.

"Is that okay?"

Chopper giggles and flushes furiously. "Uh-huh!"

Saki grins, sitting up and crossing her legs, pulling Chopper into her lap. "You're so cute~! Right, Nyx?"

Nyx ignores Saki to the best of her ability.

Saki smiles softly at the reindeer. "I think Nyx likes you the most out of the crew with Robin and Nami coming a close second and third."

Chopper looks up at her with stars in his eyes. "Really??! She likes me?!"


"Yep! She says she doesn't, but she's lying!"

Nami was listening to the conversation curiously. "Why does she like us, though? We're not...sadistic." She recalls Saki's conversation with Robin earlier.

Saki hums thoughtfully. "Well, Chopper is cute, it's hard not to like him. And you and Robin, Nyx said and I quote, 'are the smartest ones on the ship'. That's a compliment in Nyx's eyes. She's only complimented you, Robin, Chopper, and Sanji."

"She complimented me?!" Chopper gasps cutely.

"Yep! She said, 'he's kinda cute'. She tries to hide her thoughts from me, but she can't!" Saki laughs. "Unless I'm distracted," she adds.

'Which is often.'

'Shut up.'

Chopper and Nami sweatdrop at Saki's twitching eyebrow.

"Hey, Saki, Chopper. Look." Nami points at a pavilion not too far from them. "What do you think that is?"

"A pavilion," Saki says bluntly.

"Let's go and check it out!" Chopper suggests.

Saki nods, uncrossing her legs and gently picks him up, wincing all the while at the pain. She shouldn't have crossed her legs when one is stitched up.

"Are you alright, Saki?" Chopper asks, concerned.

"It just hurts. That's all!" Saki grins reassuredly. "I'll be fine!"

Nami starts to jog toward the pavilion and Saki immediately following suit, Chopper snug in her arms.

"Woah! It's so soft!" Saki sits abruptly onto one of the fluffy cushions in the pavilion.

Nami topples onto the one next to Saki. "These are made of cloud, too! So, I guess they do have ways to make stuff out of clouds!"

"But it's not the same as those fluffy clouds. This is cushiony," Chopper notes, jumping out of Saki's arms and falling onto the cloud.

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