The academy

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The Academy

Jaune sat on a bench facing the landing area. He wasn't alone, with other people standing and waiting. After overhearing those around him, Jaune learned they were awaiting a bullhead to take them to Beacon Academy.

At a closer look, Jaune saw that those around him were at a similar age to he was. He assumed that these would be his peers at Beacon Academy. Leaning back on the wooden bench, Jaune folded one leg over the other as he continued to wait.

Adam's sword rested awkwardly at his waist. While the sword did share some similarities to his lightsaber, the two weapons still swung very differently from each other.

All of the weight behind the lightsaber was in the hilt, the blade being essentially weightless. The sword was nothing like that, the hilt was instead made to be a counterweight to the blade itself. A setback, but Jaune would need to practice to get used to the weight difference.

His thoughts drifted back to Beacon Academy. He was still blind going into this school. His scroll died yesterday, and having no means to charge it, it was now practically useless. He still had his note sheet to practice his reading skills. He was learning, but still very behind the average person.

He doubted that Beacon Academy was similar to the Jedi Temple in the sense that students stayed year-round. Evident because of the other students standing around him and waiting. But do students train beforehand and apply to Beacon Academy? Or are they hand-picked by Ozpin like how he was?

Jaune saw the ship approaching.

Questions to answer later.

Jaune stood off the bench and stretched his arms. The ship, or bullhead as the locals called it, began to land. He joined the crowd and awaited the doors opening. Once they did, the crowd flowed into the massive bullhead.

He took a seat along the wall. Jaune barely felt the bullhead take off again, as the ride was smooth enough to allow most of the people to stand during the ride.

Staring out of the window, Jaune admired the beauty of Vale during the day. The city reminded him of the planets Jaune and his master visited before and during the Clone Wars. It gave him hope to see a planet untouched by galactic war and the Empire itself.

But he was suddenly saddened, remembering that there was still much suffering in the core and outer worlds.

But Jaune pushed those thoughts away, as he couldn't do anything because of his situation. He sat back in the chair, settling in and preparing himself for a dull ride, even though he was slightly hungry. Considering he hasn't eaten in the last two days.

"Oh, I can't believe my baby sister is going to Beacon with me! This is the best day ever!" a blonde-haired girl exclaimed as he turned to see her embrace Ruby who looked as if she was being strangled by the buxom teen. Jaune guessed that the two must have been siblings.

"Yang! Please Stop! You're crushing my spine!" Ruby, the girl from before said. His interest was piqued, though, by the familiar voice.

"Sorry, but I'm just so proud of you! You got into Beacon Academy! Everyone's gonna think you're the bee's knees!" The other girl, Yang, said. Praising her sister, who rubbed her arm awkwardly.

"I don't want to be the "bee's knees", okay? I don't want to be any kind of knees! I just want to be a normal girl with normal knees." Yang shook her head.

"What's with you? Aren't you excited?"

"Of course, I'm excited... I just...I got moved ahead two years before anyone my age. I don't want people to think I'm special or anything. Not only that but aside from you, I'm not going to know anyone there. All my friends are back on Patch and I won't see them, if at all, for at least another two years."

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