The battle on the rails

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Jaune Arc leaned his head against the wall. And sighed.

In his hands, sat his lightsaber. Jaune fiddled with his, unscrewing certain parts, and then putting them back on to pass the time. After unscrewing the base, the entire lightsaber slid into two parts, but stopped just short of separating.

Inside the lightsaber, sat Jaune's kyber crystal. Lightly grabbing the crystal between his fingers, Jane brought it close to his face. He stared inside the glowing blue crystal, as its light casted a soft glow around where Jaune sat.

He could have stared into the kyber crystal forever. Watching as the blue crystal glowed, and Jaune could have sworn he heard it singing.

He heard a muffled thump come from the roof of the train. Placing his kyber crystal back into its place inside the lightsaber, he slid the two parts back together. Screwing the screws back in as he stood.

He heard smaller thumps as people seemed to be walking atop the train. Jaune followed underneath, listening to the footsteps, he assumed there were two people. Jaune stopped, seeing the safety door on the top of the train. He watched the two figures drop down into the train car.

Both of them wore two identical masks on their faces. The color scheme reminded Jaune of the Grimm he had fought in the forest. One of the two was a man, his hair was crimson red with two horns sitting on top of his head. He wore all black, including black gloves. On his waist sat a sword currently sheathed.

The other was female. Her hair was black, with an extra pair of ears sitting on the top of her head. She wore a white shirt with black accents and details. Black pants with matching black shoes. One her waist sat her own weapon, some kind of dagger that was held in its own sheath.

While the features of the two were abnormal to humans he had seen, Jaune paid no mind to them, as he had seen stranger aliens before. He kept his distance, staying partially covered due to the crates he stood next to.

The man took off the bag he was wearing, and set it on the ground. Reaching inside, he took out what Jaune could only assume to be a bomb.

Now, Jaune couldn't have his train car exploding, so he decided to intervene. Taking a step out from his hiding spot, their backs were to him, but he still masked his footsteps with the Force. A trick he had learned from his Master.

Once completely behind the two, and out in the open, Jaune unclipped his lightsaber from his belt. He powered it on, a blue light illuminating the dark interior of the train. The two turned immediately, surprised someone was able to sneak up on them.

"May I ask what you two are doing?" Jaune asked calmly, his body illuminated in blue light.

"It doesn't concern you." The male spoke up, standing to face Jaune. He rested his hand on his own sword hilt.

"I am riding this train, and you have a bomb. That concerns me enough." Jaune said. Watching as the girl slid back into the shadows, while the boy gripped the sword, ready to draw it.

He did, moving at speeds that could rival a Jedi. Drawing his sword, he swung it in an upwards motion.

Jaune spun his lightsaber so the blade would meet the sword. The two blades clashed, sparks flying as the blade did not break in two when coming in contact with the lightsaber.

The sword bounced, and the boy tried stabbing Jaune in the shoulder. Jaune deflected, making the sword bounce. Extending his hand, Jaune used the Force to push the boy back. The boy flew backwards, but stabilized himself by stabbing his sword into the ground.

Jaune gripped his lightsaber with both hands, the boy removed the sword from the ground, and the two ran at each other. The blades met. Jaune swung, the sword able to hold its own against the lightsaber.

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