She whooped and flew straight for her best friend, and Hufflepuff captain, Cedric.

"We did it Ced, we did it!"

In the moment of elation, she jumped right off her broom, several hundred feet in the air, and landed onto the back of Cedric's.

The broomstick wobbled and sunk under her weight a bit, but held them sturdy as Mallies one floated nearby.

Cedric just laughed.

In the end, they didn't win the cup. But the magic that occurred that night stayed with them.

Eventually, she climbed off and greeted the two like a civil person, chatting mildly about their Summers.

"You think Wes has heard about Scars new boy toy?" Mallie thinks out loud as she gazes out to window to the surprisingly dry evening.

Charlie nodded while looking out the window, "Suppose so."

"I haven't seen him all Summer, lucky bastard was off in Mexico visiting his gran." Cedric stated, rolling his eyes in jealousy.

"Yeah, but," Charlie interjected, "He said he bought us presents."

Cedric shrugged, but didn't complain anymore about it all the way in through the gates.

It wasn't long before Mallie was stepping into the Great Hall once again, each year it felt as if it got bigger.

The floating candles shon brighter than ever over students that laughed and greeted friends.

Mallie glanced around the hall, scanning over familiar faces. She glanced over the Ravenclaw table in attempt to spot a thick head of curly black hair, but was unsuccessful.

Everyone was soon ushered to their seats as the First Years walked in, the group stinking of nervousness.

The magnified clapping around the room ceased as the first name was called:

"Ackerley, Stewart."

Stewart was small and stringy and noticeably shaking.

He walked slowly and eventually sat down on the stool placed in front of the school.

The hat was placed carefully on his head by Mcgonagall, who was trying to give him a reassuring smile.

He didn't see it.

His eyes shut as he awaited the hat's decision.

There was a small silence before the hat split open somewhere near the front and shouted:



Mallie trudged back to the dormitories with Cedric, she was fuming.

"There will be no Quidditch this year at Hogwarts," Dumbledore had told them before dessert.

Mallie had to physically restrain herself from leaping to the front of the hall to initiate a fist fight with the Headmaster.

Mallie wasn't the only one, Cedric threw his goblet of pumpkin juice the length of the Hufflepuff dinner table and the whole hall was inches away from a full scale riot.

Dumbledore explained that on Halloween, the school would be joined by two others: Beauxbaton and Durmstrang, and they would be hosting the first Triwizard Tournament in hundreds of years.

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